Becas para estudiantes internacionales – Diploma académico 1 de nivel El próximo anuncio se publicará en esta página. Tenga en cuenta: no se tendrán en cuenta todas las solicitudes enviadas fuera de plazo. Más información en las LÍNEAS DIRECTRICES. Concorro alla borsa di studio RUFA – Amicizia Italia Turchia / I am applying for the RUFA Scholarship – Italy -Turkey Friendship / Opto a la beca RUFA - Amistad Italia Turquía Nome / Name / Nombre * Cognome / Surname / Apellido * Cittadinanza / Citizenship / Ciudadanía * Email * Telefono / Phone / Teléfono* Nome della scuola / School name / Nombre de la escuela * Città della scuola / School city / Ciudad de la escuela * Paese della scuola / School country / País de la escuela * Interessato a | Interested in | Interesado en * —Please choose an option—Graphic Design ❯ ITGraphic Design ❯ ENGGD-Comics and Illustration ❯ ITMultimedia and Game Art ❯ ITDesign ❯ ITDesign ❯ ENGSustainable Fashion Design ❯ ITSustainable Fashion Design ❯ ENGCinema ❯ ITCinema ❯ ENGPhotography and Audiovisual ❯ ITScenografia / Set Design ❯ ITPittura ❯ ITPainting ❯ ENGSculpture and installations ❯ ITSculpture and installations ❯ ENG Carica il tuo portfolio | Upload your Portfolio | Suba su portafolio * File in formato pdf - Massimo 15MB | PDF file format - Maximum 15MB Carica il tuo curriculum | Upload your Resume | Suba su currículum vitae * File in formato pdf - Massimo 2MB | PDF file format - Maximum 2MB Lettera motivazionale | Letter of intent | Carta de intención * Min. 300 / Max. 1800 *richiesto / mandatory / obligatorio Confermo di aver preso visione della Privacy Policy resa disponibile e acconsento a ricevere le informazioni richieste a RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts.* / I confirm that I have read the Privacy Policy and agree to receive the requested information from RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts.* / Confirmo que he leído la Política de privacidad y acepto recibir la información solicitada de RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts.* Accetto di ricevere altre comunicazioni da RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts (es. Borse di studio, eventi e workshop). / I agree to receive other communications from RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts (e.g., Scholarships, events and workshops). / Acepto recibir otras comunicaciones de RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts (por ejemplo, becas, eventos y talleres). Sono studente del programma International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma / I am a student of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma programme / Soy estudiante del Programa del International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Nome / Name / Nombre * Cognome / Surname / Apellido * Cittadinanza / Citizenship / Ciudadanía * Email * Telefono / Phone / Teléfono* Nome della scuola / School name / Nombre de la escuela * Città della scuola / School city / Ciudad de la escuela * Paese della scuola / School country / País de la escuela * Interessato a | Interested in | Interesado en * —Please choose an option—Graphic Design ❯ ITGraphic Design ❯ ENGGD-Comics and Illustration ❯ ITMultimedia and Game Art ❯ ITDesign ❯ ITDesign ❯ ENGSustainable Fashion Design ❯ ITSustainable Fashion Design ❯ ENGCinema ❯ ITCinema ❯ ENGPhotography and Audiovisual ❯ ITScenografia / Set Design ❯ ITPittura ❯ ITPainting ❯ ENGSculpture and installations ❯ ITSculpture and installations ❯ ENG Carica il tuo portfolio | Upload your Portfolio | Suba su portafolio * File in formato pdf - Massimo 15MB | PDF file format - Maximum 15MB Carica il tuo curriculum | Upload your Resume | Suba su currículum vitae * File in formato pdf - Massimo 2MB | PDF file format - Maximum 2MB Lettera motivazionale | Letter of intent | Carta de intención * Min. 300 / Max. 1800 *richiesto / mandatory / obligatorio Confermo di aver preso visione della Privacy Policy resa disponibile e acconsento a ricevere le informazioni richieste a RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts.* / I confirm that I have read the Privacy Policy and agree to receive the requested information from RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts.* / Confirmo que he leído la Política de privacidad y acepto recibir la información solicitada de RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts.* Accetto di ricevere altre comunicazioni da RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts (es. Borse di studio, eventi e workshop). / I agree to receive other communications from RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts (e.g., Scholarships, events and workshops). / Acepto recibir otras comunicaciones de RUFA Rome University of Fine Arts (por ejemplo, becas, eventos y talleres). Follow us: facebook tiktok youtube flickr instagram linkedin telegram