Artist’s Book – Workshop

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Workshop, theme “Mistake”
curated by Kestutis Vasiliunas in collaboration with Vilniaus Dailès AKademja

The theme of the Artist’s Book Workshop will be : «Errore» or «Sbaglio». Students will think about the meaning of «error» or «mistake», but not computer error or internet error. Students will talk about mistakes in one’s life, mistake in text, mistake in art, in design, in food, in science and etc. Each student will decide which «mistake» he / she wants to create in the artist’s book (2 pages for each student). It would be perfect, if all «mistakes» were different. As there won’t be time to create an own artist’s book, it will be created one artist’s book all together. During the first lesson the students will learn : «Context of my prints. From Folk Art until Culture Remix» and «International Artist’s Book Triennial Vilnius», the second day: Artist’s Book Workshop, the third: Artist’s Book Workshop.

professor biography
Kestutis Vasiliunas. Professor in Vilnius Academy of Arts, Graphic Department; Director of «Bokartas», independent curator of the International Artist’s Book Exhibitions; Fields of creation: printmaking, artist’s book, graphic design, installation. Belong to the artists group «Europe 24» and «Scandinavia-Baltic Group».

26 marzo 2014 – h 9-11
27 marzo / 28 marzo 2014 h 10-14

RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts – via Lariana, 8 – Roma

Erasmus Project in collaboration with Vilniaus Dailès AKademja
The workshop is in english language

Photo gallery | Video

from 26.03.2014 to 28.03.2014
Via Lariana 8

Event type

  • Workshop

Featured for:

  • Cinema
  • Design
  • Fotografia e audiovisivo
  • Graphic Design
  • Multimedia Arts and Design
  • Pittura
  • Scenografia
  • Scultura e installazione