Claudia Evangelista_portrait

Claudia Evangelista

Class of: 1999
Nationality: Italiana | Italian
Degree course: Sculpture and Installation

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en IT y EN.

«The observation and analysis of human behavior,
and human interaction with the outside world
are the origin and the genesis of my artistic research.
The uniqueness and diversity of individuals is what
strikes me the most, especially reactions to strong
emotional states, like traumas, loss and psychological
disorders. Physical effort is somethings intrinsic
in all of my projects, it feels satisfying and affirming —
like the end result of a challenge to myself,
one that allows me to rest afterwards.

Another fundamental aspect of my approach
is sustainability. I am intent on reevaluating the mutual
relationships between human and non-human forms
of life and their physical environments.
An “ecocentric” vision intent on counteracting
the anthropocentric model that privileges humans
at the expense of nature. The idea of the provisionality
of the human being goes with an almost sacred respect
for the natural world, it urges me to try to elaborate
an impossible dialogue with that world».

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