Vanshika Agrawal

Class of: 1999
Nationality: Indiana | Indian
Degree course: Pittura | Painting

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Artista di origine indiana, vive a Roma e lavora con diversi mezzi, dalla fotografia alla pittura, dalla poesia alle performance e alle installazioni.

“Accounting the visible and invisible world to connect things in a specific way, to make sense of the equilibrium between knowing and not knowing. Her work examines the alert consciousness of the past to understand and represent the present in a constant dialogue with the human experience recorded in the past as emotions can never be merely preserved but must be always rediscovered. Talking about duality and fragility of the changing world, by working among a plurality of cultural signs. It deals with immaterial, movement, and the existence of the body in its immediate surroundings. Embodied gestures to trigger, open up layers of sensation and create memories to revisit the instants. Presenting ephemeral between time and space composed with delicacy and intimacy”.

Concentrandosi sul recupero delle tracce di ieri, la sua pratica utilizza rituali culturalmente modellati nella performance art, per dare forma al mondano. Nella sua continua trasformazione, il mondano diventa sacro, risuonando con la vita nella consapevolezza della nostra transitorietà. L’analisi dei vecchi approcci comportamentali lascia il posto alla formazione di nuovi concetti.

2021, Grace Before The End, ROMA ART WEEK, sixth edition (25-30 october 2021),
curated by Lavinia Coniglio
2021, Grace Before The End, AAIE Art Center for Contemporary Art, ROME
2021, D31 Online Summer Exhibition, Doncaster, UK
2021, Totems of a collective narrative, collective exhibiton, RUFA Space
2021, Performance Cluster, collective exhibition, RUFA Space
2021, Sacrality, a collaborative site specific installation, collective exhibtion, RUFA Space
2018, People Art Foundation, Odisha, India
2016, 2018 – 2020, 27 Art Point, Amritsar, India

Residenza artistica
2021, “Il Decameron” AAIE Art Center for Contemporary Art, ROME

2021, selezionata come finalista per la D31 Summer Exhibition
2020, Highly Commended Award di Fotografia in 27 Art point All India Online Art
2020, selezionata tra i finalisti per Hand for Handmade’s Craft design Challenge in Group Entry
2019, medaglia d’argento di Fotografia in National Online Art Competition and Exhibition
2018, pubblicazione artistica in “The Lifeline” magazine
2018, Speciale riconoscimento per Pittura in National Level Mega Art Competition

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