

Scholarships 2015/2016

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RUFA scholarships for international students.

RUFA makes available 10 renewable Scholarships which provide a partial discount (€2,500) for the annual academy tuition addressed to international students (Citizens of the EU and non-EU citizens) who access the BA and MA degree courses.
Each year scholarships are given to the students judged to have submitted the best portfolio for undergraduate and graduate review.

Eligibility & Requirements.
Scholarships are exclusively directed toward international students (except italian students) who enrol in a three-year BA or two-year MA degree course at RUFA for the first year. To participate in the selection process applicants must submit the scholarship application form (see below), a portfolio and a letter of intent.

RUFA Scholarships don’t require verification of financial need.

Portfolio Requirements.
Submit a portfolio (Portfolio Guidelines) with, at least, ten digital images. The portfolio must be attached to the scholarship application form.

• The portfolio must be saved as a PDF file
• The total size of portfolio should not exceed 8 megabytes
• The portfolio must include a list that details each image with this information: image number, title of work, medium, dimensions (Height x Width or Height x Width x Depth)

After reading the portfolio requirements page if you have any questions regarding this process, please feel free to contact us.
Applicants can include a personal site link about their artistic works in their letter of intent.

Moreover, applicants to the three-year BA degree in Cinema and to the two years MA degree in Film Arts can send us a short film by email to, through a file transfer service (e.g. WeTransfer).

Judging of the Portfolio
An internal Academy commission will review the portfolios. Portfolios will be judged on quality, originality, creativity, technical competence and presentation.

• Students must submit the Scholarship Application Form, portfolio and letter of intent using the form and before September 30, 2015
• On the first of October portfolios will be examined by the commission and judged. The day after a merit ranking will be draw up and the result will be communicated to the participants in the selection.
• Applicants can sign up for the placement test by the 8th of October (Admissions)
• After passing the test, Applicants can enroll at RUFA Academy by the 23rd of October

Scholarship renewal requirements.
Scholarship must be confirmed each year for the legal duration of the course:
The first year is assigned to all on the sole basis of portfolio, whereas for the following years the renewal is subject to a review of the following quality requirements

• Students must achieve at least the following University credit

Three-year Degrees
> Course year 2° = 30 Credits
> Course year 3° = 75 Credits

Two-year Degrees
> Course year 2° = 30 Credits

• Students must also have passed the exams with a mark not lower than 23/30 for each one achieving a mark average not lower than 26,00/30

Apply here for BA (I level) | Apply here for MA (II level)