Artista - Elena Castiglia

Elena Castiglia

Class of: 1995
Nationality: Italiana | Italian
Degree course: Pittura | Painting

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Elena Castiglia was born in Arezzo on 22 February 1995. She has always been passionate about art, and in 2018 she completed a three-year course in Painting at Rome University of Fine Arts. In the meantime, she attends the Course in Curatorial Practices at the School for Curatorial Studies of Venice. Her interest in contemporary art and curatorship led her in 2021 to graduate in the two-year Visual Cultures and Curatorial Practices specialist course at the Brera Academy in Milan. She is currently attending a course on Fundraising and Crowdfunding for Culture promoted by Fondazione Enaip Lombardia. During her studies she has always remained active through internships and work experiences in galleries, museums and in the production for artists of international relevance such as MASBEDO, while continuing her research in the curatorial field. In 2020, together with two artists, she founded Sottofondo studio, a non-profit space for contemporary art in Arezzo. She currently lives and works in Milan.

A cura di chi? Una riflessione sulla pratica artistica e curatoriale all’interno del sistema dell’arte contemporanea

La ricerca si concentra sul dibattito contemporaneo intorno a due figure del mondo dell’arte: l’artista e il curatore. Attualmente gli studi sul tema si stanno moltiplicando e cercano di delineare e comprendere le dinamiche che hanno portato a una ibridazione dei ruoli sempre più evidente tra coloro che lavorano all’interno dell’ambito culturale, nel caso specifico di quello artistico. Le distinzioni fondamentali fra i professionisti coinvolti infatti vengono a mancare e spesso si creano delle figure ibride.

Come sostengono molti professionisti che lavorano a stretto contatto con l’arte, è fondamentale ricercare nell’evoluzione dello spazio espositivo e della mostra l’origine di queste dinamiche.