The Lazio Region, with the support of Lazio Innova and Spazio Attivo LOIC (Lazio Open Innovation Centre) Zagarolo has promoted a training project in the field of design divided into three different workshops called “Zagathon”, which deal respectively with the themes “food”, “wellness” and “cultural heritage”. These are intensive training courses that take place in… Find out more
Multimedia arts and design
A new opportunity for in-depth study for RUFA students by thanks to the partnership of the Academy with Her – Human Ecosystems Relations. From 25 to 30 November Fabbriche ex-Olivetti will host Datapoiesis fall school and 3 places are reserved for RUFA students or graduate with different backgrounds: from art, to design, to business, law,… Find out more
The “NeoRural Futures” experience has started
After the short summer break, RUFA Pastificio Cerere headquarters reopens its doors for a prestigious training event that sees the interest of cultural operators from all over the world converge. The heart of the San Lorenzo district is where the NeoRural Futures project, SpeculativeEdu’s international summer school, is hosted. Specifically, it is a deepening plan… Find out more
Workshops | July 2019 session
RUFA workshops are the perfect window to face the reality and to confront ideas, opportunities and insights. The last week of meetings and works of the academic year 2018/2019 was very fruitful and participatory. Theory and practice have chased each other relentlessly, uniting the interest of students to the experience of lecturers and speakers. As… Find out more
Graphic design
RUFA, Two workshop on Visual Arts
The course of Visual Arts, thanks to the work of professors Maria Pina Bentivenga and Fabrizio Dell’Arno, organizes two different workshops at RUFA Pastificio Cerere, in the artistic heart of the San Lorenzo district. On Thursday 11th April, starting at 9 am, a meeting dedicated to the monotype will be held, in collaboration with Guido… Find out more
RUFA – Workshop March 2019. Photos and video.
RUFA workshops are the perfect window to look at reality and to confront ideas, opportunities and insights. The first week of meetings and works of the academic year 2018/2019 was very fruitful and participated. Theory and practice ran relentlessly, uniting the interest of the students with the experience of the teachers and speakers. As in… Find out more
March, here are the RUFA workshops
Defined the calendar of the RUFA workshop session for the academic year 2018/2019. The start is scheduled for March 4. Theoretical activities will alternate with practical ones, allowing to broaden and deepen the notions of normal teaching. Artists, experts and professionals, and this is exactly the strong point of the RUFA workshops, are ready to… Find out more
First Workshop session of the new academic year. Start enrollment!
The October session of the RUFA workshops for the year 2018/2019, which will take place from Monday, October 15 to Saturday, October 20, will start. We kick off the new academic year with an intense week of workshop activities, unconventional didactics and theoretical-practical insights. Artists, experts and professionals For their undisputed educational value, the workshops… Find out more
Third session of workshops – the photo and video
The third intense workshop session of this academic year ended. Once again, RUFA students had the opportunity to attend a week of creative workshops to tackle subjects that go beyond ordinary teaching. 6 courses chosen by the students who during the whole week had the opportunity to compare themselves with as many professionals / artists… Find out more
Workshop summer session. Registration is open.
The summer session of the RUFA workshops for the ay 2017/2018 starts, which will take place from Monday 16 July to Friday 20 July. Another opportunity for the students to live an unconventional teaching experience with the possibility to deepen the theory and practice of their creative field, working alongside great experts and professionals. Due… Find out more
Second session of workshops – photos and video
The second intense workshop session of this academic year ended. Once again, RUFA students had the opportunity to attend a week of creative workshops to tackle subjects that go beyond ordinary teaching. 7 routes chosen by the students. 7 professionals / artists / designers who were teachers. So many different ways in which art has… Find out more
Workshop. The second session of the ay 2017/2018 starts
Registrations are open for the second session of RUFA workshops for the academic year 2017/2018, which will take place from Monday 5 to Saturday 10 March. Another learning opportunity for students, who will have the opportunity to deepen the theory and practice of their creative environment, working alongside great experts and accredited professionals. Due to… Find out more
Graphic design
Mundo fanzinero – Do It Yourself. From workshop to exhibition.
What is, or rather, how does a fanzine work? The exhibition Mundo fanzinero – Do It Yourself, promoted by IILA Istituto Italo-Latino Americano in collaboration with Rufa, wants to answer this question. What is proposed is an overview of South American fanzines that Aro Varse has found in different countries and collected over the years…. Find out more
Workshop first session of the new year. Find out how it was.
October Workshop session ended. Once again, students had the opportunity to test themselves under the expert guidance of artists, designers and professionals. The outcome was amazing as always, and expectations for next sessions of March and July, are very high. Here’s a storytelling of this intense week.
At the start “Xiloreportage. Rimini 2017”. RUFA students show the topicality of Xiloreportage.
Between the second (2016) and the third edition (2018) of the Biennale del Disegno di Rimini, the Department of Arts of the City of Rimini and the Municipal Museums propose an extensive exhibition of over 140 works on paper: woodcuts, engravings from original wooden matrixes taken from the prestigious magazine “Xilografia”. The exhibition, entitled “Xilografia… Find out more
RUFA students at the Venice Biennale for an extraordinary workshop
Our students have just spent a weekend in Venice, where they were from Friday 6th to Sunday 8th October for a workshop at the Venice Art Biennale curated by Emiliano Coletta, Coordinator of the Department of Visual Arts. This year our Academy has started a collaboration with the Venice Biennale to join the project Biennale… Find out more
Workshop estivi, le foto e il video
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Si è conclusa una nuova sessione di workshop. Ancora una volta si è dimostrata una sessione entusiasmante, ricca di stimoli per tutti i creativi dell’Accademia. Ecco le foto e il video che raccontano questa esperienza.
Un workshop RUFA alla Biennale di Venezia, aperto a tutti i nostri studenti e docenti
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Quest’anno l’Accademia RUFA ha avviato una collaborazione con la Biennale di Venezia per aderire al progetto Biennale Sessions. Cosa significa? Vuol dire che si potrà organizzare una visita speciale, esclusivamente per la nostra community, alla mostra di arte contemporanea più importante del mondo. Passiamo al programma. L’Accademia… Find out more
Workshop 2017, le foto e il video
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Ecco qua, foto e video della nuova sessione di workshop. Un’opportunità per i ragazzi di approfondire la conoscenza delle discipline creative, lavorando al fianco di grandi professionisti.
Workshop estivi 2016, ecco il video
Il videoracconto dell’ultima sessione di workshop dell’anno, avvincente e formativa come al solito L’ultima sessione di workshop del 2016 si è chiusa pochi giorni fa. Ecco il video che fa rivivere l’atmosfera di un momento di grande approfondimento formativo.