A story born almost in symbiosis, a few months apart. RUFA and MAXXI not only share an immeasurable love for contemporary art, but also a parallel destiny that has its roots in the late 1990s. In 1998 the Academy of Fine Arts started its educational activities, beginning the path that has now allowed it to… Find out more
Workshops | July 2019 session
RUFA workshops are the perfect window to face the reality and to confront ideas, opportunities and insights. The last week of meetings and works of the academic year 2018/2019 was very fruitful and participatory. Theory and practice have chased each other relentlessly, uniting the interest of students to the experience of lecturers and speakers. As… Find out more
I’m not, the exhibition at Museo di Roma
The collaboration between RUFA and the Museo di ROMA is reinforced with the exhibition “I’m not”. The exhibition is the result of the experimentation of RUFA students of the school of photography, coordinated by the teacher Alessandro Carpentieri. 22 first-year photographers received a commission for 22 portraits of RUFA first-year visual arts artists, with the… Find out more
Call launched to participate in “An Atlas of the rocky landscape”, between Matera and Montescaglioso
Call launched to participate in “An Atlas of the rocky landscape”, between Matera and Montescaglioso The project “Un atlante del paesaggio rupestre” is part of the program of artistic residencies promoted by “Matera Capitale Europea della Cultura 2019”, realized by Arci Basilicata and funded by the Fondazione Matera-Basilicata 2019. Through the international call open until… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
A photographic contest about Coffe
The coffee company Moak, within the project “Moak Cultura” and in collaboration with Archinet, has announced for the year 2019 the sixth edition of the international photography competition “Fuori Fuoco Moak”. The competition is open to all photographers, professionals and amateurs, who want to tell a story or create a mini-reportage through a sequence of… Find out more
Multimedia arts and design
From 28 to 30 June Pergola (PU) hosts the Festival of digital arts
Rufa is academic partner of Blooming Festival, the event born from the desire to promote different artistic expressions of research in the field of digital culture, music and electronic arts. The ultimate aim of the project is to encourage the active participation of spectators in the new artistic languages, bringing them closer to forms of… Find out more
Fine Arts
Ice-cream makers on stage: performance by Camilla Gurgone and Nicola Petruzzi
In the middle of a post-truth era, where we hardly distinguish reality from fiction, the “Zero degrees Frozen yogurt” ice cream shop is the artistic (consumer) product most suited to our times: a kind of “fake moment”, a probable daily moment where everything can be true, but at the same time it can be false…. Find out more
Gli studenti RUFA in visita ad Ivrea
Not only a factory, but also and above all a dream: before we talked about Silicon Valley or the big multinationals that have then marked the flow of the technological market. A delegation of RUFA lecturers, composed of Ely Rozenberg, Emanuele Cappelli, Floriana Cannatelli, Guglielmo Lisi, Giorgio Marcatili and Emanuele Tarducci took part in the… Find out more
RUFA Contest 2019: The Divine Aesthetic leaves its mark
RUFA Contest 2019: an emotional interweaving of art, contemporaneity and thought. An intense and complex experience, but for this reason even more fascinating. An edition full of enthusiasm that has been able to focus on the key elements of the educational mission of an Academy: research, production and artistic promotion, all declining the kaleidoscopic forms… Find out more
Alessio Castiglia and Mattia De Nittis win the festival “Convergenze di immagini mediterranee”
RUFA students Alessio Castiglia and Mattia De Nittis took first and second prizes respectively at the festival “Convergenze di immagini mediterranee” (Convergence of Mediterranean images). The project was carried out by the Comune di Atrani (Sa), the association “Maiori Film Festival” and the Campania Region. The festival aimed to present the country, its natural, artistic… Find out more
We are leaving for New York!
About a year after the first edition, the doors of the School of Visual Arts in New York are reopening for RUFA students. The objective is simple and direct: to give form and substance to an “exchange experience” that perfectly declines the search for contemporaneity embedded in the operational mission of the two cultural institutions…. Find out more
The images and video of Primo Maggio concert
The scenic graphics that will be projected to wrap the notes on stage of primo Maggio concert will be designed by the RUFA students of the Graphic and Visual design courses. Congrats: Aurora Achille, Benedetta Colonna, Francesco Floris, Ina Jung, Andrea Mattia Palmeri, Marina Picari, Luca Santarelli, Pietro Santovetti, Alessio Spigola, Ludovica Testa. Here’s the… Find out more
The history of paper in a workshop
Chinese and Arabs and then the Western peoples. Paper has been able to go through the centuries, to adapt to the times, without any reverential fear of technology, indeed supporting it. An interesting workshop was held at the RUFA Pastificio Cerere dedicated to the manufacturing process of this precious element, made in Italy excellence. Giuseppe… Find out more
Talk with Leonardo Sangiorgi. Photos and video.
The images of the meeting with Leonardo Sangiorgi, dedicated to the relationship between gesture and matter. On this topic, the talk developed by Francesca Gollo, called “Touché – gesture as matter”, was developed. The meeting led the students to investigate how the multimedia language intervenes and acts on the design practices, highlighting the different disciplines… Find out more
Award dedicated to engraving techniques
The eleventh edition of the international “Biennale dell’incisione” award takes place in the city of Monsummano Terme, in the province of Pistoia. RUFA students can participate in at least one course of engraving techniques. In particular, the following techniques are allowed: chalcography (etching, aquatint, drypoint, burin, soft paint, black manner, etc..), xylography and lithography. The… Find out more
For RUFA students the possibility of an internship in Carrara
In order to celebrate the recognition of “Città creativa per l’artigianato”, awarded by UNESCO in 2017, the Italian Federation of Clubs and Centres for UNESCO, in collaboration with the Club for UNESCO of Carrara dei Marmi and the Municipality of Carrara, has organized the fifth edition of the “Premio Carrara città creativa – Forum internazionale… Find out more
RUFA Pastificio Cerere, in the Solo Exhibition program the exhibition “From… To”
An attempt to follow the course of the words, understand their meaning and go beyond the ink, beyond the sound of a voice. This is the starting point for the project “From… To” that the visual arts student Silvia Bottero has created as part of the “Solo Exhibition” programme. The experience, which will last until… Find out more
Graphic design
Zerocalcare standing ovation in RUFA
Zerocalcare is back in RUFA. After the Open Time last September, the artist met again the students of the Rome University of Fine Arts legally recognized by the Miur, talking about himself, his activity and the many projects still to be implemented. Zerocalcare’s presence in the Aula Magna concludes a journey that began with the… Find out more
Set Design
RUFA and iCompany, Scarda at the Pastificio Cerere
An intense voice that perfectly reproduces a sophistication of texts that is never obvious. Scarda, Nico Scardamaglio, was the protagonist of the usual narrative-musical appointment with “La Musica Attuale”, the format created by the group iCompany and married by the Rome University of Fine Arts to explore the new scenarios of the national scene. The… Find out more
RUFA, partner of the 2019 edition of Sònar
The 2019 edition of Sónar, the electronic music event that has been held in Barcelona since 1994, opens its doors for RUFA students. The aim of the project is twofold: first to develop the confrontation between artists, thinkers, musicians, creative technophiles, directors and designers, and second to increase the potential related to this particular type… Find out more