The short documentary film “Blue Dots” directed by RUFA graduate Lorenzo Squarcia and produced by Jumping Flea studio, was selected and screened as part of the prestigious Short Shorts International Film Festival & Asia 2023. After participating in festivals of international calibre such as the Rome Independent Film Festival, l’European Film Festival of Lille,… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
Fresh Eyes 2023: Sabrina Marchionne among emerging talents
Sabrina Marchionne, RUFA graduate in Photography, was nominated among the emerging talents through the Fresh Eyes International 2023 competition, with the project “Bring us the Bright”. Sabrina Marchionne’s work will appear in the next issue of Fresh Eyes 2023, a photographic catalogue published by GUP magazine (Guide to Unique Photography) and distributed internationally. In… Find out more
RUFA for Teatroteka: the winning students
Annarita Debellis and Raffaele Esposito, third-year students of Set design, were elected the undisputed winners of the Call promoted by the Polish production company WFDiF. All Cinema and Set Design students at the Academy were encouraged to submit a pair project that included a directing and set design idea and was inspired by the… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
‘Come una vera coppia’ wins Best Documentary and Best Editing
“Come una vera coppia” – the documentary made by director and RUFA lecturer Christian Angeli – won Best Documentary and Best Editing at the Festival Internazionale della Cinematografia Sociale “Tulipani di Seta Nera”, for “the ability to narrate in a delicate and courageous way, disrupting any system of expectations based on the automatism of politically… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
MALLEUS at the Festival de Cine Fàntastico de Bilbao
New international recognition for MALLEUS After its success at the Film Fest International of Edinburgh, “MALLEUS” (2023) – feature film directed by director and RUFA lecturer Andrés Rafael Zabala – is the only Italian film among the eight in competition in the PANORAMA section of the Festival de Cine Fàntastico de Bilbao, and will… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
MALLEUS wins Best Director and Best Picture at Film Fest International
The triumph of Malleus at the Film Fest International The film ‘MALLEUS’ – feature film by director and RUFA lecturer Andrés Rafael Zabala – won two coveted awards at the International Film Fest that just took place in the beautiful setting of the city of Edinburgh. Best Director for a Foreign Film to Andrés… Find out more
Keyble’ at the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas
KEYBLE, Wearable Technology device designed by designer Ely Rozenberg in collaboration with Italian startup Flywallet, was presented and exhibited in the Italian Pavilion of the Consumer Electric Show 2023 of Las Vegas, the world’s largest event for consumer technology products. Among the authors of the project UX/UI Designer Francesca Romana Rossi, former RUFA student… Find out more
“Mammamare” wins a Special Mention at the Extra Doc Festival 2022
A further success for the documentary ‘Mammamare’ – written and directed by RUFA film students Francesca Marra, Giovanni Benedetto Matteucci and Lucrezia Mariotti – which won a Competent Audience Special Mention at the fifth edition of Extra Doc Festival, organised by the Festival del Cinema di Roma in collaboration with MAXXI. As part of the… Find out more
Alessia Antognelli ‘Top Student’ of the Student Review Programme
Cinema student Alessia Antognelli was named ‘Top student’ in the Student Review Programme (SRP), promoted by The NGO International Film Festival. Alessia was selected among students from four universities from Africa, Europe and North America. As part of the NGO International Film Festival’s educational initiative is the Student Review Programme (SRP) that is geared… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
“Come una vera coppia” vince la menzione speciale al Rome Independent Film Festival
“Come una vera coppia” – the documentary made by director and RUFA lecturer Christian Angeli – wins a special mention at the RIFF – Rome Independent Film Festival , per “the delicacy with which the director stages intimacy and misunderstandings, enthusiasm for a possible future and thoughtful disillusionment, lightness and a sense of responsibility of… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
MALLEUS at the Salerno International Festival
Il trionfo al Festival Internazionale di Salerno “MALLEUS”, second feature film by director and RUFA lecturer Andrés Rafael Zabala, will have its world premiere as a competition film at the 76° Festival Internazionale di Salerno between 28 November and 3 December 2022. This is a significant and particularly heartfelt participation in an event that… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
Premio Castelfiorentino’s winners
The photographic projects of Sabrina Marchionne and Noemi Sparago – a recent graduate and third-year photography student – were the winners of the “Raccont’arti – Castelfiorentino Prize for the Arts: Contemporary Photography” call for entries, whose main goal is to map the current state of contemporary photography and possible future developments. Sabrina Marchionne –… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
RUFA for PHocus Magazine
The photographic projects of Davide Palombo and Michael Trutta were selected by PHocus Magazine through the ‘Confini’ Call, an initiative aimed at involving some of the most deserving students from Italy’s leading schools of photography and cinematography. The theme of the Call “Confini” There are geographical, natural, political, symbolic but also metaphorical boundaries and… Find out more
Isabella Jahns wins the Rometti Prize 2022
The project of RUFA student Isabella Jahns ‘Crush me if you can’ wins the fifth edition of the Rometti Prize. On Saturday 8 October, in the splendid setting of the Pastificio Cerere, the six artefacts of the young finalists, selected from over 70 participants, were exhibited. The coffee table ‘Crush me if you can’… Find out more
Graphic design
àltera at the graphic days in Turin
The Visual and Innovation Design students’ project was selected by Neologia and exhibited at the Graphic Days in Turin, receiving a special mention from Zetafonts for the experimental approach. RUFA students Davide Del Prete, Giuseppe Elia, Lidia Matarazzo e Martina Pani developed the project àltera as part of the Visual Design course taught by… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
Lucia Estevez selected by PHocus Magazine
The photographic project of student Lucia Estevez has just been selected by PHocus Magazine through the ‘Confini’ Call, an initiative aimed at involving some of the most deserving students from the main Italian photography and film schools. Making love to matter A fantasy project illustrating an erotic ecology in which all boundaries disappear as… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
Beatrice Salomone selected among the 100 emerging talents
Beatrice Salomone, RUFA graduate from the Photography course, has just been selected as one of the 100 best emerging talents in Europe according to the Dutch magazine Fresh Eyes. Organised by the Dutch magazine Gup (Guide to Unique Photography), Fresh Eyes is a guide-book of the best 100 emerging photographers on the European continent. Fresh… Find out more
A is for Alice
“A is for Alice” is the first dystopian film by former Film student Sharon Grace Badia. Sharon Grace Badia, a young up-and-coming filmmaker and former RUFA student, makes her debut with a SciFi film almost two hours long, entirely shot in Abruzzo, more precisely in the impervious area of Castrovalva. The cast, almost entirely… Find out more
RUFA and RICCI SpA: talent wins
Call for Ideas “Arte in Costruzione”: the project “I rami che raccontano” (“The branches that tell”) by student Alexandra Fongaro wins. A scholarship that is not only an encouragement to talent, but above all a prize for artists who embody research, experimentation and innovation. It is in this context that the RUFA Space, in… Find out more
“Crush me if you can” finalist for the Rometti Prize
RUFA student Isabella Jahns’ project ‘Crash me if you can’ has been selected among the finalists of the historic Rometti Prize. The finalists have finally been selected for the tenth edition of the Rometti Prize, an international competition organised by the historic Umbrian manufacturer and reserved for students from Art and Design Academies around… Find out more