The creative process of printing: an extraordinary experience that involves all the senses. The sounds that envelop the body, the texture of the paper that touches the fingers, the smell of the pages and inks just printed, the opacity of the colors and transparencies that blend, the design that stimulates the intellect, the passion and… Find out more
Graphic design
The winners of the Anfass Calendar
Not a simple calendar, but a wide-ranging artistic project that turns its attention to the concept of social inclusion. Thanks to a collaboration agreement between the Macerata section of Anffas and RUFA, first year graphic design students participated in a contest aimed at identifying the idea that best describes the aims of the association to… Find out more
Graphic design
At RUFA Space the exhibition of Vertigo Design calendars in the year of the tenth anniversary
Under the surface of time there are entire worlds of signs, meanings, signals. This is the message contained in the exhibition “3653 days under the surface”, which you can visit from September 22 to October 6 at RUFA Space at Pastificio Cerere (via degli Ausoni 7). The exhibition, promoted by RUFA teachers Mario Rullo and… Find out more
Graphic design
The Grandparents’ Day arrives. RUFA makes the calendar
The “Festa dei Nonni – Millepiazze”, the campaign of Senior Italia FederAnziani that, in view of the Grandparents’ Day that will be celebrated on October 2, promotes through the Foundation of the same name over a month of initiatives in support of the over 65s. Projects and appointments throughout the country to celebrate the role… Find out more
Parole nell’Arte
Ecco il tema del calendario 2016 realizzato da RUFA e Vertigo Design Anche questa volta, con l’arrivo del nuovo anno, RUFA collabora con Vertigo Design per il progetto e CTS grafica per la stampa, per realizzare il suo calendario creativo. Stampato in due versioni, da parete e da tavolo, quest’anno il calendario è incentrato sul… Find out more