Roma Headquarters

Tre sedi nel cuore di Roma: TRIESTE – SAN LORENZO – OSTIENSE
Nella città eterna conosciuta in ogni angolo del pianeta, con una storia artistica, architettonica e culturale che ha influenzato tutto il mondo.

RUFA offers in the Rome campus:
10 Bachelor of Arts, 6 Master of Arts and 3 Academic Masters.

San Lorenzo Campus


Via degli Ausoni,7 – Roma
Visual Art | Computer Animation and Visual Effects | Rufa Lab

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Ostiense Campus


Via Giuseppe Libetta, 7 – Roma
Cinema | Set design | Photography and Audiovisual | Sustainable Fashion Design | Multimedia and Game Art | Film arts | Multimedia arts and design | Visual and innovation design |

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Trieste Campus

Via Benaco, Via Lariana , Via Taro – Rome
Design | Graphic Design | GD-Comics and illustration |
The Trieste campus is spread throughout the neighbourhood with classrooms, laboratories, common spaces.

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