RUFA x Movimento Moda Responsabile


Graphic Design students developed four multi-channel communication campaigns for the non-profit organisation Movimento Moda Responsabile.

In order to understand how advertising communication can contribute to promoting a more sustainable fashion, RUFA students from the Graphic Design course worked on the creation of a creative campaign drawing attention to the main environmental and social issues related to fast fashion, in collaboration with experts from Movimento Moda Responsabile and the non-profit association rén collective. This joint activity stems from the teaching activities conducted by RUFA lecturers Claudio Spuri and Alessandra Giacomelli, to allow students to reflect and take a stand on real issues, strongly connected to the contemporary world. The campaigns came to life on MMR and RUFA’s institutional channels on the occasion of Fashion Revolution Week 2024, a key moment to reflect on our environmental impact through choices in fashion.

The young designers were faced with a challenge that interested them closely: How to create communication to direct the public towards responsible and sustainable clothing purchases? How to make clear the level of environmental, economic, ethical and social pollution caused by Fast Fashion?
The non-profit association MMR (Movimento Moda Responsabile) is spearheading a global movement of actions and policies to raise awareness and information towards a greater use of sustainable fashion, and RUFA students have worked to deliver creative campaigns that, through the language of advertising, reach as many people as possible, helping to change habits and consumption patterns.


Fast Fashion Fast Ending

by Carola Autili, Ilaria Bucci e Elisa Drosi.

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Our campaign focuses on the inconsistency of Fast Fashion products, which we throw away every year after very few uses, ending up accumulated in illegal dumps where they remain polluting the planet for thousands of years.
The idea was to tell this issue through the metaphor of the death of clothes, represented as a serial cemetery, as serial is the fast production of these garments.
The title, Fast Fashion Fast Ending, wants to emphasise the concept behind the idea, i.e. the speed of production of fast fashion and the short lifespan of clothes, while at the same time hinting at their long life on the planet.


Sewing up the world

by Gabriele Boccini and Raffaele Iannone.

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A torn world like fast fashion garments that, being of poor quality, tear and deteriorate quickly and easily, becoming unusable and, therefore, to be thrown away.
But by throwing them away we pollute, just as companies have polluted to produce them.
Sewing up the world is the title of our campaign: in fact, fast fashion consumes so many resources to create useless, ephemeral, harmful products. The campaign represents the geographical areas of the world most affected by the production of fast fashion garments that create tears and shadows of wear on the garments themselves, drawing the map of exploitation, environmental disaster, and waste of resources.


Our memories

by Claudia Fracassi and Gianmario Palombo.

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Garments as friends, companions on journeys, stories, loves and adventures. Garments as precious objects to be preserved and carried along the most significant years of our existence.
These garments are certainly not fast fashion items that, due to their intrinsic poor quality, do not stand the test of time, wear and tear, and the intense use that life reserves for them.
This campaign, entitled Our memories, shows in an emotional and impactful way how fast fashion is the enemy of continuity, of emotions, of bonds that last and mean.
We used a different, unusual narrative of affection for a communication that aims at the heart and conveys a message with a strong social impact.


Problem? Solution

by Lisa Romanato and Agnese Troncone.

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An unsettling, creative and lively campaign that uses the narrative knot of surprise to tell the story of the damage and consequences of fast fashion. Indeed, how can we link the stifling heat, the merciless traffic and the bad smells of rubbish to the fast clothes we buy lightly?
The connection becomes obvious when the campaign explains that the pollution and worsening weather conditions we experience every day are also caused by the reckless use of resources set up by the fast fashion industry, which consumes, burns and wastes, changing our daily actions and making them worse.
This campaign, entitled Problem? Solution, invites people to buy consciously, including through the use of second-hand goods as an effective and fair way to help pollute less.


Find out more about the collaboration with Movimento Moda Responsabile.