We found 83 results for: caterina tomeo

Organizational chart

PRESIDENT Prof. Alfio Mongelli DIRECTOR Archt. Fabio Mongelli CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER CEO Alessandro Mongelli BOARD OF DIRECTORS Alessandro Mongelli Archt. Fabio Mongelli Dr. Michele Fontana Sabatini Dr. Gianluca Losi Dr. Luciano Hassan Dr. Carlo Privitera Lawyer Davide Valli ______________________________________________ ACADEMIC COUNCIL: Archt. Fabio Mongelli President Prof. Alfio Mongelli Prof. Christian Angeli Prof. Luigi Iacobelli Prof….

RUFA partecipa al Roma3 Film Festival

RUFA PARTECIPA AL ROMA3 FILM FESTIVAL 5 > 9 giugno 2013 Teatro Palladium, Roma Dal 5 al 9 giugno, al teatro Palladium di Roma, si svolgerà l’ottava edizione di Roma3 Film Festival, ideato e diretto da Vito Zagarrio, regista e docente di cinema. Il Festival, atteso evento dal respiro internazionale, pone in relazione Cinema, Teatro,… Find out more

RUFA Career Day 2024

On Thursday 11 April 2024, a new edition of the Career Day was held at the RUFA premises in via G. Libetta 7, an unmissable opportunity for RUFA students and Alumni to get in touch with companies and professionals in their field.   Career Day is an essential appointment to meet companies, design studios and… Find out more