Short Courses

Short course Painting
Short course Illustrator
Short course Photoshop
Sgort course InDesign
Short course Filmaking
Short course Web Design
Short course Copywriting
Short course 3D Studio Max V-Ray
Short course Rhino 3D V-Ray
Short course Painting
Short course Illustrator
Short course Photoshop
Sgort course InDesign
Short course Filmaking
Short course Web Design
Short course Copywriting
Short course 3D Studio Max V-Ray
Short course Rhino 3D V-Ray
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Creative education for all.

A short course for every need

Short courses, intensive, professional, personalised: RUFA offers a selection of non-academic courses to meet the training needs of professionals and aspiring artists.
A simple, flexible yet comprehensive way to learn the skills you need to take your art to the next level.

Qualified lecturers and reduced classes.

In order to guarantee a high level of training and preparation to the participants, the short courses are organised in limited number classes, with qualified RUFA lecturers carefully selected to provide the best preparation to all participants.

RUFA offers short courses for professionals and aspiring artists who are looking for new skills, in order to expand their abilities in the field of visual arts, audiovisual and design.
Among the proposals: artistic drawing courses, painting courses, film-making courses and photography courses. Moreover, for those who wish to improve their skills in the field of advertising writing, RUFA organizes a course entirely dedicated to the art of Copywriting, as well as professional courses on software from the Adobe suite to 3D modelling and web design.

Tailored to your needs.

RUFA also offers the possibility for individuals, small groups and companies to create tailor-made courses, with customizable timetables and methods – both in person and online – to develop skills in the artistic and technical fields with specific software.

Creative Lab

Intensive courses dedicated to those who wish to approach the visual arts from the basics or for those who are still starting out. Each of these courses builds on the foundations of the discipline, focusing on practice.

Professional Hub

Intensive in-depth and specialised courses for those who are already proficient in basic knowledge but need to take their skills to the next level through practice and experienced lecturers.

Skills centre

Tailor-made courses with customised timetables and modalities, focusing on developing artistic and technical skills with specific software.

Skills centre

Training for your company. Develop new skills is part of the job. RUFA, thanks to the new Skills Center, provides companies and professional studios with a consulting service aimed at designing and implementing ad hoc training courses. Training and refresher courses are of fundamental importance in the professional field, for this reason RUFA offers the…

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