Skills centre

Training for your company. Develop new skills is part of the job.

RUFA, thanks to the new Skills Center, provides companies and professional studios with a consulting service aimed at designing and implementing ad hoc training courses.

Training and refresher courses are of fundamental importance in the professional field, for this reason RUFA offers the possibility to create tailor-made training courses, with totally customised schedules and methods: both in presence and online.

Designed and ideal for every company need.

According to the needs reported by the company, it will be possible to propose specific topics that will compose the training course – both in the artistic and technical field – through the teaching and use of suitable software.

Among the skills most in demand: how to use the Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, After Effects), how to carry out 3D modelling with Rhino, training on 3D Studio Max, as well as the more classic professional copywriting courses and web design courses with WordPress.

All the intensive courses held in the Skills Center for companies and employees can be included in the financed training programme by adhering to the Fondi Paritetici Interprofessionali or company financed training.

In addition, our Creative Workshop courses are an excellent solution for corporate team building projects.

If you want to know more about the Skills Center courses, fill in the form below.