Specialization, being up-to-date and innovation are among the main requirements demanded by the job market today, especially in the creative industry sector. This is why RUFA has included the opportunity for professionals and students to implement professional skills in some specific disciplines as part of its training offer.
The Advanced Training Courses are born precisely to respond to this need: to acquire knowledge and experience essential for affirming participants’ competitive edge. These intensive courses are led by teaching staff that are among the top specialists of the subject of the course, capable of transmitting high-level theoretical-practical skills and strategic suggestions useful for improving the participants’ placement within the work place.
RUFA Advanced Training Courses have been created for students, graduates and professionals, selected on the basis of their design skills and professional level achieved. The goal is to bring together a community of experts that share similar backgrounds in terms of training and, therefore, that are likely to respond more favourably to complex ideas. Participants may enroll for Advanced Training Courses whilst attending University and other academic courses.
The Advanced Training Courses are organized for maximum efficiency and productivity. They take place over a short amount of time though intensive lessons that include theory and laboratories which, in addition to lectures, occasionally involve key players of the field, in order to stimulate debates and professional networking.
RUFA issues certificates of attendance for attending the Advanced training courses and may grant training, professional or University credits which may be recognized during future study courses, as long as they are in a similar field.