Between the second (2016) and the third edition (2018) of the Biennale del Disegno di Rimini, the Department of Arts of the City of Rimini and the Municipal Museums propose an extensive exhibition of over 140 works on paper: woodcuts, engravings from original wooden matrixes taken from the prestigious magazine “Xilografia”, conceived and edited by… Find out more
Davide Monaldi wins the Talent Prize, Cametti among the finalists
Davide Monaldi continues to reap success. Our former student of Visual Arts wins the first prize of one of the most important awards on the contemporary scene: the Talent Prize, the international visual arts prize created by Inside Art. The prestigious jury has chosen. The winning work is his “Wallpaper”, a ceramic installation that realistically… Find out more
Open Day RUFA, the photos and video
A day once again exciting and full of emotions. The Open Day RUFA is confirmed as an appointment of strong appeal for young students who want to start their journey in the world of creativity. The images explain it better than every word. Have a look here.
Graphic design
Here comes “Design Per”, a week of visual contamination. And the RUFA talents present their projects
From September 22 to October 1 the new edition of “Aiap Design Per” will take place in Rome, during the Internaional Graphic design week. This is an important event, curated by the president Aiap Cinzia Ferrara, the vice-president Carla Palladino and our teacher Paolo Buonaiuto, which turns the spotlight on new trends in communication. Nine… Find out more
Rometti Prize 2017, two RUFA students win!
Our students Veronica Mascelluti and Gaia Rossi Merighi win the 2017 edition of the Rometti Prize, taking home the first place. The two girls, masterfully followed by professor Paolo Parea, convinced the jury with their work entitled “Dualism”, a design lamp that sinks its concept into a refined and complex research. THE OPERA The idea… Find out more
Graphic design
A contest to create the new GARDENStoGROW logo for Explora
Until September 30 there is time to participate in the Logo Design ContestGARDENStoGROW, the contest dedicated to artists, graphic designers, professionals or enthusiasts in the field to create the logo identification of all communication, paper and computer science, of the project GARDENStoGROW.. It is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union… Find out more
Graphic design
At RUFA Space the exhibition of Vertigo Design calendars in the year of the tenth anniversary
Under the surface of time there are entire worlds of signs, meanings, signals. This is the message contained in the exhibition “3653 days under the surface”, which you can visit from September 22 to October 6 at RUFA Space at Pastificio Cerere (via degli Ausoni 7). The exhibition, promoted by RUFA teachers Mario Rullo and… Find out more
At Galleria Nazionale the exhibition on 1968. In the catalog also the text of our Nicolas Martino
On October 3 opens at the National Gallery the exhibition “It’s just a start. 1968”, the first Italian exhibition dedicated to 1968 and its interweaving with the movements and artistic ferments that announce it, run parallel to it and prolong it. A project that celebrates the 50th anniversary of ’68, curated by Ester Coen, which… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
Genti di Calabria, the photographic catalog of Pino Bertelli
Overturning points of view, commonplaces and the collective imagination. With a single purpose: to build a fertile ground for the new generations. With this mission the work that led to the realization of an extraordinary editorial work, the catalog “Genti di Calabria. Atlante fotografico di geografia umana”, by Pino Bertelli. A photographic journey to tell… Find out more
Graphic design
The Grandparents’ Day arrives. RUFA makes the calendar
The “Festa dei Nonni – Millepiazze”, the campaign of Senior Italia FederAnziani that, in view of the Grandparents’ Day that will be celebrated on October 2, promotes through the Foundation of the same name over a month of initiatives in support of the over 65s. Projects and appointments throughout the country to celebrate the role… Find out more
Graphic design
L’Annual report RUFA won the Red Dot Design Award 2017
The RUFA Annual Report wins the Red Dot Design Award 2017. After last year’s success, our book that tells the story of the academic year convinces the jury of the most prestigious international graphic design award. In fact, there is more. This year the award is as “Best of the best” in the “Annual report”… Find out more
The 48 Hours film project starts again. RUFA still in the team!
Registrations are open for the XI edition of the competition “The 48 Hour Film Project”, organized by Le Bestevem. The international competition involving 140 cities in 5 continents and Rome as the only Italian stage. A challenge to the last take to see who will succeed in making the best short film…in just 48 hours!… Find out more
Design, from 24 to 26 September comes New Generations Festival
Just a few weeks before the curtain opens on the fourth edition of the New Generations Festival, the event dedicated to the new frontiers of architecture and design, which will take place from 24 to 26 September at the Casa dell’Architettura in Rome (Piazza M. Fanti 47 – Esquilino area). The three-day event, entitled “Architects… Find out more
Graphic design
Open registrations for the Bagnacavallo Prize, addressed to young engravers
Registrations are open for the new edition of the Bagnacavallo Prize, aimed at young Italian engravers, one of the most prestigious in Italy in this creative sector, included in the Biennial of engraving “Giuseppe Maestri”. Each participating artist must be under 35 and can present 2 works, with a minimum size of 35×50 cm and… Find out more
Premio Arte in Arti e Mestieri, premiate Chiara Fantaccione ed Ellen Wolf
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Domenica 3 settembre la Fondazione Scuola Arti e Mestieri “F. Bertazzoni” di Suzzara (MN), ha comunicato i vincitori del prestigioso concorso, il Premio “Arte in Arti e Mestieri 2017”, una manifestazione che da anni è rivolta alla scoperta e alla consacrazione dei talenti dell’arte contemporanea. Quest’anno le… Find out more
Set Design
I nostri studenti a lavoro per la scenografia di Enjoy, al Chiostro del Bramante
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Dal 23 settembre al 18 febbraio il Chiostro del Bramante diventa nuovamente fulcro della programmazione artistica contemporanea romana. Questa volta con la mostra “Enjoy. L’arte incontra il divertimento”, a cura di Danilo Eccher. Si tratta di un’avvincente esperienza che lo spettatore può fare attraverso i linguaggi e le poetiche di alcuni… Find out more
Premio Rometti, le foto dello stage… Aspettando il vincitore
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Come tutti gli anni, settembre è il mese in cui attendiamo di conoscere il vincitore del Premio Rometti. Tra i 6 progetti selezionati dalla Giuria il 31 maggio (3 di istituti italiani e 3 di istituti stranieri), infatti, è stato scelto DUALISM di Veronica Mascelluti e Gaia Rossi Merighi, studentesse… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
Ad Espronceda (Barcellona) la mostra di Zhuang Xueying
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Il 6 settembre ha inaugurato a Barcellona la mostra Real Life, il progetto realizzato dall’ex studentessa RUFA Zhuang Xueying, in conclusione della sua residenza artistica al centro di cultura contemporanea Espronceda, partner della nostra Accademia. Real Life è una mostra basata sull’esperienza personale della giovane artista nella… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
La foto della nostra Ginevra Brizioli finisce su Vanity Fair
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Il caldo sole d’agosto non ha interrotto il lavoro dei nostri talenti. Nel numero estivo di Vanity Fair, infatti, in molti avranno fatto caso all’intervista alla giovane attrice Laura Adriani, in cui viene raccontata la sua esperienza sul set dell’ultimo film di Silvio Soldini “Il colore nascosto… Find out more
Camplus College Roma apre i suoi alloggi alla community RUFA. Ecco come fare
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Il prossimo anno accademico, 2017/18, comporterà una interessante novità per la community RUFA. Saranno disponibili, infatti, gli alloggi universitari per gli studenti più meritevoli. Si tratta di una convenzione stipulata da RUFA con Camplus College Roma, in base alla quale vengono istituite: – 3 borse di studio… Find out more