“Terre di Cinema” is an international event held in Catania since 2011. The aim of the initiative is to welcome about thirty filmmakers, coming from all over the world, to confront each other, participate in an intense program of training activities and make a series of short films strictly in 35mm Kodak film. The 2019… Find out more
In May the elections for the Regional Council DiSco
In May 14 and 15, elections will be held for the Regional Council DiSCo, the regional body for the right to study and for the promotion of knowledge that has replaced Laziodisu since last July. The Regional Council is the representative body of the students of all universities and institutes of higher education, both public… Find out more
RUFA – Workshop March 2019. Photos and video.
RUFA workshops are the perfect window to look at reality and to confront ideas, opportunities and insights. The first week of meetings and works of the academic year 2018/2019 was very fruitful and participated. Theory and practice ran relentlessly, uniting the interest of the students with the experience of the teachers and speakers. As in… Find out more
RUFA, a talk dedicated to Leo Castelli
“Leo Castelli the man who invented art in America. Conversation with Alan Jones”. This is the title of the talk, curated by Fabrizio Pizzuto, and dedicated in particular to RUFA students of visual arts. Alan Jones’ book on Leo Castelli has been a real publishing case and has contributed to give back the right lustre… Find out more
Registration for the second edition of the Menghetti International Art Prize is now open.
“Man and his art as harmony of life”: this is the theme of the 2019 edition of Miap, in the sections of painting, sculpture and photography. The aim of the award is to decline communicative ability, expressive quality and originality. For the winning work of each section will be awarded a cash prize of 5… Find out more
Sculpture and Installations
RUFA, new appointment with the “Solo Exhibition”.
The “Solo Exhibition” were born as a challenge for the students of Rufa’s three years of visual arts, specifically Painting and Sculpture, to allow them to make a first constructive and real exercise of what it means to exhibit one or more works in a specific space. It is in this particular context that Giulia… Find out more
In-university training, the fourth edition is now underway
Following a project that has registered an ever-increasing number of users, from March 13 to 16 the university orientation also materializes in one of the most frequented shopping centers in the capital: Euroma2. The fourth edition of “In-formazione universitaria” will be held exactly on those dates: a very special open day dedicated to students who… Find out more
RUFA, cultural partner of the short film “Yousef” in competition at David di Donatello
A hope generated by commitment and immense passion for cinema. Mohamed Hossameldin is not only, like many others, the result of the academic genesis of RUFA, but he is above all the director of “Yousef”, a short film included in the five finalists at David di Donatello. An unexpected and extraordinarily intense work that in… Find out more
RUFA film directors in favor of the International House of Women
RUFA teachers Elisa Amoruso, Susanna Nicchiarelli and Paola Randi have also responded to the call to the arts launched in recent months to support the International House of Women in Rome. The project, which involves the professionals of the Academy of Fine Arts founded by Alfio Mongelli, is prophetically called “Direction to women”: films and… Find out more
RUFA – Experience moves to Florence
An appointment that is renewed. MEF, a leading company in the distribution of electrical equipment, has organized for the fourth consecutive year, an exhibition dedicated to electrical systems, lighting technology, plumbing and heating and energy saving solutions. A wide-ranging exhibition project that is aimed not only at professionals and future professionals in the sector, but… Find out more
“La musica Attuale”. Photos and video of the meeting with Mirkoeilcane
After the “premiere” with the band “Le Ore” a new appointment animated the format “La Musica Attuale”, conceived by the group iCompany and married by RUFA to explore and get to know the new horizons of the national art scene. Riccardo De Stefano, journalist of ExitWeel, interviewed between music and words Mirkoeilcane, singer-songwriter but also… Find out more
Graphic design
RUFA and the social, awareness campaign for the AIPD
The students Giulia Faccipiponte and Alessandra Ciocca, with the coordination of teachers Alessandra Giacomelli and Claudio Spuri within the course of Graphic Design, have completed the creative campaign in support of the activities of Aipd, the Italian Association of Down People. Founded in 1979, thanks to the courage of a small group of families who… Find out more
Call to participate in the program “A SUNDAY IN THE COUNTRY” in Tuscany!
The European Film Academy (EFA) and Toscana Film Commission (TFC) have opened the call for three filmmakers and/or producers from Tuscany to participate in the program “A Sunday in the Country”. It is a networking event organized by Efa which will be held for the first time in Italy from 4 to 8 April 2019…. Find out more
Student Francesca Cornacchini meets Shirin Neshat
After having triumphed at the RUFA Contest 2018 and after having participated in the “Romaeuropa Festival”, as part of the “Digitalive” review, for Francesca Cornacchini, author of the work “THE CODE #01”, the doors of Shirin Neshat’s New York studio opened. The experience lived by the RUFA student, close to the end of her academic… Find out more
Netpitch – pitch session for TV and fiction projects
On April 3, 2019 at the RUFA Pastificio Cerere headquarters will be held the second edition of Netpitch – pitch session dedicated to fiction television projects (TV-movies, miniseries, series, long and very long serials) for the domestic and/or international market. Netpitch is an event organized by WGI – Writers Guild Italia and APT – Associazione… Find out more
Launched the call for the International Careers Fair
The tenth edition of the “International Careers Fair” will begin on Monday, March 11 and will end the following day. Students and recent graduates will have the opportunity to meet the organizations that offer training, internships and work, especially rewarding the ambitions of those who want to access the professional opportunities offered. To host the… Find out more
Graphic design
Talk with Andrea Natella. The photo and video story.
A talk dedicated to unconventional communication, marketing as a battlefield, provocation and all that is lateral in advertising. This is the topic on which the RUFA students and the sociologist and advertiser Andrea Natella have confronted each other. A debate curated by professors Mario Rullo and Claudio Spuri full of stimuli to emphasize the complexity… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
Graphic design
Set Design
Sculpture and Installations
From MIUR the National Arts Award
The Ministry of Education, University and Research, as part of its artistic promotion activities, announces the fourteenth edition of the “National Arts Award”. The competition, aimed at students regularly enrolled in institutions and accredited courses of the AFAM system, in the academic year 2018/2019, is divided into the following sections and subsections: 1) FINE ARTS,… Find out more
Lydia call, open to artists under 30
Live forever in the indelible sign of art. Based on this assumption, the Lydia call, proposed by the cultural association “Il Lazzaretto”. Established in 2014, the foundation proposes and develops a practice-based research method, triggering processes of collaboration and hybridization. Il Lazzaretto supports the research of emerging talents. And it is to this end that… Find out more
March, here are the RUFA workshops
Defined the calendar of the RUFA workshop session for the academic year 2018/2019. The start is scheduled for March 4. Theoretical activities will alternate with practical ones, allowing to broaden and deepen the notions of normal teaching. Artists, experts and professionals, and this is exactly the strong point of the RUFA workshops, are ready to… Find out more