The presence of man on Earth is intended to leave a mark. It is in this vision, conceived by the creator and artistic director Emanuele Cappelli, that RUFA Contest 2019, in the exceptional setting of the Brancaccio Theatre, was celebrated, allowing the triumph of the Divine Aesthetics, the main theme of the event. The aim… Find out more
RUFA Contest 2019, David LaChapelle will crown the winner
It was Andy Warhol who offered David LaChapelle his first professional assignment as a photographer for “Interview Magazine”. From that moment on, it was a constant progression of covers, services and magazines. The first book, entitled “LaChapelle Land”, allowed the world to discover the iconic, pop and surreal style of one of the contemporary masters… Find out more
Graphic design
RUFA students visiting the Central Institute for Graphics in Rome
With the coordination of the lecturer Claudia Illuzzi, the students of the three classes of Graphic Design of the first year visited the Central Institute for Graphics in Rome, located in Via della Stamperia. Born in 1975, following the union between the National Chalcography, of papal heritage, and the National Prints Cabinet, it has collected… Find out more
Un bando del Mibac aperto agli studenti delle Accademie di Belle Arti pubbliche e private
A Mibac call for applications open to students of public and private academies of fine arts The Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities has established the “AccadeMibac” award, promoted by the Directorate General for Contemporary Art and Architecture and Urban Suburbs. The initiative has been programmed with the sole purpose of supporting Italian artists under… Find out more
Graphic Design - Comics and Illustration
F as Frigolandia – The land of Frigidaire
The program #OfficineRufa continues its appointments proposing a meeting with Vincenzo Sparagna around the word Frigolandia. What is the Republic of Frigolandia? How do you build and how does a fake work? Is there a Maivist art? From Il Male to Frigidaire, passing through Stefano Tamburini and Andrea Pazienza, the incredible story of how art… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
Photography and Audiovisual
R as Rhome
The program #OfficineRufa continues its appointments proposing a meeting with Jean-Marc Caimi and Valentina Piccinni around the word Rhome. Rhome is the title of the latest of the photographic book by Caimi and Piccinni, the second chapter of a long-term project on three cities in transition (Naples, Rome, Istanbul): vulnerable cities, in balance, always exposed… Find out more
Fine Arts
Relation between art and context, ten RUFA students involved
A total of ten students will participate in the first edition of “Seminaria per le Accademie”. The project involves the construction of some environmental installations in listening and dialogue with the village of Maranola – Formia, in the province of Latina. The artistic event focuses on the relationship between work and context and is part… Find out more
A workshop dedicated to the painting of Victor Hugo
On Thursday 23 May, as part of the painting course reserved for first-year students, the workshop “Acque Scure” (Dark Water) will be held, curated by the lecturer Fabrizio Dell’Arno with the presence of Guido D’Angeli and Antonella Nardi. The workshop, sponsored by “Winsor&Newton” that will offer the necessary materials to students, is focused on the… Find out more
‘Lezioni Olivettiane’ in RUFA
After the great success of the Olivetti Design Contest, at the end of the academic year, on Monday 3 June at 9.00 a.m. at RUFA – Pastificio Cerere, the Academy will have the honour of hosting the prestigious icon of Made in Italy Design. The General Secretary of the Adriano Olivetti Foundation, Mr Beniamino de’… Find out more
The architectures of Rome become text books
Following in the footsteps of contemporaneity as you walk through Rome. RUFA lecturer Gian Luca Gentili accompanied his students on a different journey in the eternal city, with the aim of re-discovering in design and architecture the modernity that the Capital expresses. An itinerary designed and thought to talk to the owners of the activities… Find out more
Alessio Castiglia and Mattia De Nittis win the festival “Convergenze di immagini mediterranee”
RUFA students Alessio Castiglia and Mattia De Nittis took first and second prizes respectively at the festival “Convergenze di immagini mediterranee” (Convergence of Mediterranean images). The project was carried out by the Comune di Atrani (Sa), the association “Maiori Film Festival” and the Campania Region. The festival aimed to present the country, its natural, artistic… Find out more
From paper to art, through history
Thanks to the support provided by the professors of the School of Graphic Art, RUFA students can partecipate to the thirteenth edition of the event “Unesco Creative Cities Conference” to be held in Fabriano, in the province of Ancona, from 10 to 16 June. This project involves both the Fedrigoni Foundation and the paper factories… Find out more
Graphic design
A contest to create the 2020 calendar
The vision of art 365 days a year. A goal that, for RUFA students, means generate and design a calendar that can best represent the concept of expressiveness and contemporaneity. On these bases, the Academy of Fine Arts and Tipografare have signed an agreement aimed at producing a calendar ready to turn into competition. Thanks… Find out more
A contest aimed at enhancing the European flag
Each flag, by definition, represents a state or a group of states, the most interesting aspect of the flag of Europe is that it represents “a community of people entering and leaving”. The stars, with their points facing upwards and equidistant from each other, represent the twelve signs of the zodiac and tell the main… Find out more
C for Caravaggio
The program #OfficineRufa continues with a meeting with Jesus Garcés Lambert, director of the film Caravaggio – L’anima e il sangue (2018). Who was Caravaggio, why did his life become a legend that deeply impressed our imagination? What did the young Merisi feel and think when he painted, and what can his existential and artistic… Find out more
Students Girolamo Capuano and Adriano Ricci win the call “Nos somos el futuro”.
The short film “A mosca cieca”, directed by Girolamo Capuano and written by Adriano Ricci, won the competition “Nos somos el futuro”. This project is dedicated to young directors and screenwriters from Italy and Spain and is part of the Palma de Mallorca Film Festival, chaired by Gabriella Carlucci. The event, now in its fourth… Find out more
RUFA Contest 2019, special star David LaChapelle
David LaChapelle: unique, with a post-pop and surreal style, iconic and irreverent, different from the others because it brings a marked identity. A polyhedric artist who expresses himself in the relationship with the image, transmitting his thoughts in a clear and determined way. He is the “special star” of the RUFA Contest 2019 which will… Find out more
Graphic design
We are leaving for New York!
About a year after the first edition, the doors of the School of Visual Arts in New York are reopening for RUFA students. The objective is simple and direct: to give form and substance to an “exchange experience” that perfectly declines the search for contemporaneity embedded in the operational mission of the two cultural institutions…. Find out more
When art moves with charity
Expand the already existing virtuous circle between the art world and voluntary associations. This is the starting point for the experience that the non-profit organization “art4aid” carries forward with passion. The project consists in the creation of a media platform for exchange in which artists from various disciplines make available their works, which can be… Find out more
Graphic design
RUFA celebrates the Bauhaus with a series of events organised with the Goethe Institut
“100 BAUHAUS: the heritage in a manifesto.” This is the title of an exhibition/project, realized by the students of RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts, to develop a research project in the field of visual communication, using the same techniques of exploration of the Bauhaus. The aim of the initiative, coordinated by the lecturer… Find out more