Student to student. From those who seek their own future, gathering information and opportunities, to those who have decided to follow the path of creativity, between innovation and art. This is the scenario, in the context of RUFA Space, in Via degli Ausoni 7 in the heart of the San Lorenzo district in Rome, which… Find out more
Graphic design
Graphic Design - Comics and Illustration
100 years of the Garbatella district in a mural
On the occasion of the celebrations for the centenary of the Garbatella district, the Ater – Territorial company for public housing in the municipality of Rome has launched a call for proposals aimed at presenting creative projects with the aim of decorating the blind wall of a building located in the district. The aim of… Find out more
A fluid vision of the “People”: Solo exhibition by Esposito and De Martino
“People” is an encounter of hidden faces, of fluid individuals, of inconsistencies, of crowds that exist in their dispersion and that come into contact with their fears. On January 22nd at RUFA Space the “Solo exhibition” by Celeste Esposito and Carlotta De Martino will be inaugurated at 6 pm. It is perhaps a journey in… Find out more
Fine Arts
Sculpture and Installations
“Just in time for the cake” – A performance by Flaminia Bonciani
“Just in time for the cake” is a performance whose wish is to help people think about how the post-modern society pushes us towards contrasting directions. On one side, the contemporary man is constantly put under pressure to meet specific aesthetic standards, while on the other side, he’s the unaware victim of a command to… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
MOTUUM – The Self-seeking Observer – Photography Collective
On January 16th, at RUFA Space from 6.00 pm, the inauguration of the collective exhibition MOTUUM curated by Alice Pietrucci will take place. The protagonists of the exhibition are the works of the third year students of the Photography course who have developed seven installations of participatory art. Cristina Cannistraci, Anna Di Rocco, Amparo Lavezzo,… Find out more
Fine Arts
A call for artists for the Pionirsky dom Cultural Centre in Slovenia
The Pionirsky dom Cultural Centre, based in Ljubljana, Slovenia, has launched a call dedicated to artists between 25 and 30 years of age with the purpose of giving shape and substance to actions of urban regeneration in the wake of contemporary times. Founded in 1963, as a public institution, the Centre has acquired a growing… Find out more
STAMP Festival Call for artist
Art, screenings, concerts and much more. The district of Altona in Hamburg, Germany, is preparing to host the “STAMP Festival”, thus becoming an interdisciplinary cultural hub with music, theatre, dance, cinema and literature. There are more than 200 artists and about 180 associations and organizations that, year after year, make the event unique and always… Find out more
Graphic design
Graphic Design - Comics and Illustration
For RUFA students the talk “Le strutture del racconto”
“Le strutture del racconto” is the title of the talk that will take place on Wednesday, January 22, from 10 am in RUFA Aula Magna, Via Taro. The meeting, curated by teacher Fabrizio Verrocchi, is addressed to all students, but is particularly recommended for those who attend courses in Cinema, Graphic design, Graphic deign –… Find out more
Multimedia Arts and Design
A multimedia visual signed RUFA accompanied the dj set of Skin
An unforgettable night at the Circo Massimo. For Daniele Falchi, Elisa Quadrini, Silvia Parolini, Consuelo Donati, Mirko Pelliccia, Sabrina Coppola, Simone Tecchia, Maria Gavrilova, Tajana Gavric and Elisa Pelliccioni the New year started in the best possibile way! They are RUFA students – first year of the master’s degree in Multimedia arts and design –… Find out more
Multimedia Arts and Design
RUFA on stage with Skin to welcome 2020
A unique show, destined to remain impressed in the minds of those who live it; an exceptional place full of history, as only Rome can offer; a positive energy that knows no boundaries, ready to infect all participants in the “Festa di Roma”. RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts, on the occasion of New… Find out more
Set Design
Francesco Filosa, set designer for “Stasera felicità” on air on Sky Uno
From RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts – to Sky Uno. Francesco Filosa, a graduate student in RUFA in Set Design, will curate the outdoor sets of “Stasera felicità” conducted by Alessandro Siani, a one-man show exclusively on Sky Uno. The show will be on air at Christmas. The show will propose a transversal… Find out more
Graphic design
Graphic Design - Comics and Illustration
Fumetti nei Musei exhibition
“Fumetti nei Musei”, the project conceived by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism and carried out with Coconino Press – Fandango, is back. Twenty-nine new books tell, through the art of comics, the contemporaneity of Italian cultural places, living places where incredible stories happen and where the imagination is pushed towards the… Find out more
Fine Arts
A day with Koichi Yamamoto – Photos and video
Getting to know an internationally renowned artist is a very unique experience. RUFA’s visual arts students had the honor of living a whole day with Koichi Yamamoto. He is an artist who blends traditional and contemporary techniques in order to develop unique and innovative approaches to the language of graphic arts. On 17 December the… Find out more
È online il Bando Erasmus+ staff
The Erasmus+ AY 2019/2020 call for mobility of professors and administrative staff has been published. The mobility will be towards university institutions belonging to the countries of the Erasmus+ Programme: 28 Member States of the European Union and the countries participating in the Programme that are not part of the European Union (North Macedonia, Iceland,… Find out more
Here is the Erasmus+ call for an internship or work placement abroad
Up to 24 January 2020 you can submit your application. Enrolments to Erasmus+ are reopened, the international program that allows students or recent graduates to access an internship or placement, autonomous and financed, to be carried out in foreign companies or enterprises, during which to carry out an individual work project approved by the Academy… Find out more
RUFA, presented three projects on attitudes to networking in the cultural heritage sector
Three projects to generate networks and synergies. At the meeting room of Lazio Innova, a stone’s throw from the Coliseum, RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts students presented their ideas for creating networks among the companies that participated in RO.ME Exhibitions last November. The aim of the initiative, called “Sprint Safari”, is to relate… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
Agadez – Rosarno. Luoghi migranti allo specchio – Photos
On 14 December, at the RUFA Space, the photographic exhibition “Agadez – Rosarno. Luoghi migranti allo specchio” was inaugurated with the support of RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts. Medu – Medici per i diritti umani presented the photos of Olmo Calvo and Rocco Rorandelli. The protagonists are the city of Agadez, leads to… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
MATTADOR, the call for screenwriters and more
The call for the eleventh edition of the international award for the screenplay “MATTADOR” is now open. It is dedicated to Matteo Caenazzo, a young man from Trieste who graduated in painting decoration and died prematurely in 2009. The award is aimed at Italian and foreign authors aged 16 to 30 years, with the aim… Find out more
Graphic design
The Iila catalogue edited by student Carlotta Barba
A collaboration that is renewed over time and especially in its content. RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts and IILA – International Organization Italo-Latin American, after the extraordinary photographic exhibition that ended last November in the setting of the Museum of Rome in Trastevere, present the catalog of the eleventh edition of the Iila… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
RUFA and Contrasto, photography masterclass with Valeria Scrilatti
Bring the knowledge learned during the lessons to the practical and operational level. It is in this context that the masterclasses by the Contrasto agency are focused. These are in-depth lessons that put the students of the third year of the course of Photography in front of those who are experts in this field, both… Find out more