The course of Light Design, for the academic year 2020/2021, will have as its theme the redevelopment of historical luminaires for urban lighting in Rome and will be held in collaboration with Areti, an Acea Group company that manages the distribution of electricity in the capital. The led technology, in recent years widely used in… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
Published the announcement for the MATTADOR Award
Everything is ready for the twelfth edition of the international screenplay award MATTADOR dedicated to Matteo Caenazzo, a young Triestine graduated in painted decoration and student of cinema at the University Ca ‘Foscari of Venice, who died prematurely on 28th June 2009. The award, addressed to young Italian and foreign authors from 16 to 30… Find out more
Multimedia Arts and Design
SOUND BOX, a new project for RUFA lecturer and coordinator of Multimedia arts and design Master of Arts Caterina Tomeo
A decidedly innovative project that saw, among its many protagonists, RUFA professor and coordinator of Multimedia arts and design Master of Arts Caterina Tomeo and recent graduate Daniela Gentile. On 29 December, the SOUND BOX was inaugurated in the cultural space of Pelanda, located in the Ex-Mattatoio of Testaccio in Rome: the first space entirely… Find out more
RUFA Contest, 25 finalists selected
Do not stop, giving back to the research in the artistic field the highest possible value. The 2020 edition of RUFA Contest, aimed as always at declining the kaleidoscopic forms of intellect, continues its engraving. While waiting to understand the modalities of interaction with the public, which will be defined on the basis of the… Find out more
2021, the “Pro carton student video award and young designers award” will be held again
Also for 2021, in a manner compatible with the current pandemic, the “Pro carton student video award and young designers award” returns: the most prestigious award given annually in Europe for video storytelling for the promotion of sustainable packaging design and for the creation of packaging design itself. The video, specifically, should promote or explain… Find out more
Fine Arts
Sculpture and Installations
JaguArt 2020: among the ten young finalists of the Artissima prize there is also Camilla Gurgone
Research, experimentation, innovation. The formative and artistic path of Camilla Gurgone, RUFA graduate in Visual Arts, has always been marked by the declination of these elements, to be combined and unraveled at will in order to return works and performances that are never trivial. In this scenario, Gurgone herself has always been able to… Find out more
Graphic design
Visual and Innovation Design
At the Auditorim Parco della Musica in Rome “Manifesti d’artista. 1522 – Rome for women”
The works of young students against gender-based violence will remain on display until 13 December, along the external colonnade of the Auditorium Parco della Musica, for the initiative “Manifesti d’artista. 1522 – Rome for women” promoted by Roma Capitale, in collaboration with the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers… Find out more
Computer Animation and Visual Effects
RUFA, the masterclasses of the Master of Arts degree course in Computer animation and visual effects continue
To make a difference in the complex world of the creative industry it is necessary to escape the banal, think in an alternative way, give shape and substance to innovative projects. RUFA, in the realization of its educational vision, has long since incorporated these guidelines into a single asset, putting its students in front of… Find out more
Graphic design
Graphic Design - Comics and Illustration
First AIAP talk with the jet – worldwide creative industry set
connected from the living room of one’s own home has opened up scenarios that until now have not been sufficiently considered. The health emergency, from this point of view, has been able to bring the world closer, allowing students, the future protagonists of the creative industry, to generate new opportunities in comparison. RUFA, of course,… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
Premio REFOCUS/2, tra i vincitori due studenti della Scuola di Fotografia RUFA
The students of the School of Photography RUFA Daniele Cimaglia and Giuseppe Odore are among the winners of the REFOCUS/2 award, edited directly by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism. REFOCUS/2 aimed to raise attention on the “refocusing” of reality, following the effects that confinement has had on the space-time coordinates of… Find out more
A photographic contest dedicated to energy
The extraordinary climate of these months of emergency related to Covid-19 is the theme at the center of the fourth edition of the photo contest organized by “Quotidiano Energia”, published by Gruppo Italia Energia, which aims to spread independent information able to improve knowledge and operations in increasingly complex markets, in a synergistic mix of… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
RUFA School of Cinema, when a thesis embraces the world
Satisfying an immeasurable need for freedom, reconciling it with the desire to put oneself to test, so as to better understand one’s own value and strength. These are the elements of a new and exciting challenge that involves an indissoluble interaction between love for the sea and the realization of a different and innovative thesis…. Find out more
Fabio Mongelli President of Cians at the Permanent Table of the Ministry of University and Research
Director RUFA, arch. Fabio Mongelli, in his dual role as president of Cians (Coordination of Afam non-state institutions), has been invited to participate in the Permanent Table of the Ministry of University and Research convened by Minister Gianfranco Manfredi to promote the connection with institutions in the field of higher artistic and musical education, as… Find out more
Beirut – Identity Competition
The explosion in the port of Beirut on the 4th of August 2020 destroyed half of the capital of Lebanon, already suffering from an economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, L’École de design Nantes Atlantique, the Académie Libanaise des Beaux Arts and the École Supérieure d’Agricultures, in collaboration with Cumulus International Association… Find out more
“Design for Sustainable cities” competition
“Design for Sustainable Cities” is an international competition aimed at students and organized by BE OPEN and Cumulus, an international association that includes the best art and design institutions in the world and of which RUFA is a Full Member. The aim of the “Design for Sustainable Cities” competition is to recognize, display and promote… Find out more
2021 Student Service Design Challenge – Philips
The student service design challenge is aimed at the next generation of designers. The competition is open to all design students and was launched by Philips Experience Design to engage young designers in their search for people-centered care services. Through this challenge, younger generations can in fact shape the future of care. Students are invited… Find out more
Unicum Group, a competition to express one’s talent by revisiting some artistic works with the technique of street art
NOTICE: The deadline of the call has been extended to 15 January 2021.. From the idea of Vincenzo Grisia, president of the hotel group “Unicum Group”, was born the project “A stay in art” for young people working in “street art”. The contest, aimed at the students of the Academies of Rome, has as its… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
The challenge starts again: two days to make a film of 7 minutes maximum
Two days: 48 hours to make a film with actors, script, soundtrack, shooting and editing. Despite the health emergency, the “48 Hour Film Project” returns for 2020. The challenge, as defined by the organisers, is adrenaline-filled: from 4 to 6 December filmmakers from all over Italy will be able to put themselves to the test… Find out more
Computer Animation and Visual Effects
Masterclass RUFA: focus in the world of professions – Computer animation and visual effects
Not a simple formative path, but an immersive experience, full and concrete, in the creative industry that allows you to compare yourself with the top experts in the field. RUFA Masterclasses represent an ideal point of reference between its cultural background and the potential it is able to develop in the future. No exception, in… Find out more
A symbol for Trieste district of Rome: RUFA partner of the project launched by Sinergiesolidali
In the belief that recognizing oneself in a symbol can increase and enhance the sense of belonging of residents to the “neighborhood community”, SinergieSolidali has launched the call for proposals for the creation of a symbol that identifies the Trieste district of Rome. Unlike the 22 districts of Rome, which have a defined coat of… Find out more