KATA LOGON – the poetics of (past) time


“KATA LOGON – the poetics of (past) time”, tries to become a work in itself.
The intent, is to make clear a different vision of time, not chronological, but cairological. It is fundamental the care of the moment, taken in its characteristic of non-(re)presentation, and analyzed according to the concept that each has its own uniqueness. That uniqueness which, added together in its passing, leads to the result of our days, of our years and to the awareness that we are the consequence of what we have lived.
It is not necessary to give time a meaning such as “present”, “past”, “future”, because we are going to refer to a way of living it that Augustine made coincide with the capacity for sensitive perception that belongs to the human being. To feel the surrounding, to live the full moments we have at our disposal.
The exhibition is designed to demonstrate how much time is hidden behind the creation of elective affinities and the gratitude that is placed towards those who accompany us every day, our steps and how, unconsciously, they are part of it in practice.

People become the addition, the key to reading, the mechanism of this poetics that is proposed as the fulcrum of our continuous becoming.