Election of the members of the Regional Council for the Right to Study and the Promotion of Knowledge (DiSCo)
On May 14 and 15, 2025, elections will be held for the members of the Regional Council for the Right to Study and the Promotion of Knowledge (DiSCo), and for the student representative on the Board of Directors of the DiSCo body.
What is the DiSCo Regional Council?
It is a body that represents university students and those from Higher Artistic and Musical Education Institutions (AFAM) in the Lazio region, participating in dialogue with institutions to improve services and opportunities for students. Within the Council, AFAM Institutions elect one representative.
Elections for student representatives on the DiSCo Lazio Regional Council are held every three years.
Who can vote and who can run for office?
All students regularly enrolled in AFAM Institutions in Lazio (whether on-track or behind schedule) who have taken at least one exam in the last three years can vote. Students enrolled up to the first year beyond the regular duration can run as candidates.
How to apply?
Students must submit their candidacy within an electoral list, which must be filed with the Central Electoral Commission.
Applications may be submitted using the forms published in the dedicated section of the DiSCo Lazio website, by no later than 6:00 PM on April 14, 2025 at the protocol office in Via de Lollis 24b. Each list must be supported by 50–100 signatures from students enrolled in AFAM Institutions in Lazio.
Voting procedures:
• Voting is secret and individual.
• You vote by marking the symbol of the list and/or the name of the chosen candidate.
• Voting takes place at the polling stations established within each respective institution.
If you have any questions, you can write to consulta@laziodisco.it or biblioteca@unirufa.it.
Elected representatives remain in office for a three-year term and may not serve more than two terms.
Decree Calling the Consultation Elections
Establishment of Central Commission
Procedures for Electing the Board Representative
The voice of the students.
Outcome of the elections of the 4 RUFA Student Council Representatives
List of Student Council candidatesRERUN OF ELECTORAL OPERATIONS
The student Student Council
Carletti Leonardo
Florea Alessandra
Poppa Teresa
Mattia Alongi
Zaharia Alex-dan
What is the student council?
The Student Council is a group of young people who are dedicated to giving students a voice to ensure that their academic experience is the best it can be. The Council is made up of five student representatives who help all the others on their way, meeting all the needs of the community. In this way they can interact in the best possible way, not only to solve problems, but also to create collaboration between the various academic addresses. In addition to expressing the opinions provided for in the Statute and regulations, the Council can address requests and make proposals to the Academic Council, with particular reference to the organisation of teaching and student services.
How to Apply
Students can submit their candidacy, individually by sending an e-mail, from the RUFA personal mailbox, to elezioni.consulta@unirufa.it, with the subject “candidatura alla consulta degli studenti”. The candidate can attach to the candidature a pdf file with his/her manifesto/programme of mandate and a photo in jpeg format with a maximum weight of 500 Kb.
Email: consulta.studenti@unirufa.it
Facebook: Rufa consulta
Election of the members of the regional council for the right to study and the promotion of knowledge discus
On 17, 18 and 19 May 2022, elections will be held for the DiSCo regional council – Regional Body for the Right to Study and the Promotion of Knowledge (from 2018 it replaces Laziodisu). The elections will be held in presence and the polling station will be set up in the offices in via Benaco 2.
The Regional Council is the representative body for the students of all the Universities and Higher Education Institutes, both public and private, present in the Lazio region. The students’ representative body participates in the definition, implementation and monitoring of DiSCo policies. Within the Council, the Higher Education Institutes for Artistic and Musical Education (AFAM) contribute to electing a representative (the college of AFAM Institutes is the VIII).
The elected representatives remain in office for three years and cannot serve more than two terms.
On the DiSCo Lazio website, the lists of active and passive voters, divided into constituencies, have been published, together with the forms for submitting candidacies. The website also contains all the indications concerning the place, days and times when the presentation of the lists must take place:
In case of doubt you can write to consulta@laziodisco.it or to biblioteca@unirufa.it