Videogames as a tenth art form – Talk with Fabio Viola

For the RUFA Talk “Videogames as a tenth art form” we had as a guest Fabio Viola, one of the world’s most influential videogame designers and producers, author for public and private institutions and one of the pioneers of gamification.
The appointment was on Wednesday 13 December 2023 in the Aula Magna (G13) at the Campus in Via Libetta 7.

The Talks are open to all RUFA students. To register, log on to RUFA Career System with your credentials, and click on the event.
If you have any questions when registering, please contact
>> Registration will be possible from Tuesday 5 December 2023.

Video games represent the newest and least known art form. On an immaterial canvas, painting, sculpture, music, literature, film, photography and performing arts converge to create interactive works.
What are the parallels between video games and other art forms? How can cultural institutions study, exhibit and preserve video games?
Starting from the first acquisitions at the Smithsonian and Moma to the recent exhibition at the Reggia di Venaria, we will examine the path of videogame language and also how game design can become a tool to support cultural policies.
The talk is curated by Caterina Tomeo, art historian and RUFA coordinator of the Master of Arts in Multimedia Arts and Design.

Fabio Viola

He worked for the videogame industry on titles such as Fifa, The Sims and Crash Bandicoot before becoming one of the pioneers of gamification. He teaches at numerous universities and academies and was recently awarded the New Media Chair at the International Film School of Cuba. He is the author of numerous essays such as “L’Arte del Coinvolgimento” (Hoepli) and “a href=”″ rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>“GameDesigner” (Franco Angeli).
In recent years he has united two seemingly distant worlds, art and video games by founding collettivo di artisti TuoMuseo that has produced cultural video games such as Father and Son for the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, elaborated the PlayAlghero strategy and curated the exhibition “PLAY – Video Games, Art and Beyond” at the Reggia di Venaria Reale. He is currently curator at the gaming area for the National Museum of Cinema in Turin..

Addressed to: all RUFA students
Duration: h 11 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.
Date: Wednesday 13 December 2023
Location: Aula Magna (G13) – Libetta


See photos of the meeting


Participation at all Talks (none excluded) scheduled for the current academic year will allow the acquisition of 1 credit. Attendance at the Talk justifies absence from any classes taking place at the same time.


Via Libetta 7

Event type

  • Conferences

Featured for:

  • Multimedia and Game Art
  • Multimedia Arts and Design