Levi’s One: the story of an inclusive project.

Exhibition of Visual and Innovation Design and Sustainable Fashion Design students: Lucia Marenghi, Barbara Notaro, Enrico Scigliuto, Benedetta Bertoncini, Elizia Giusy Cinquedita, Giulia Manente, Nadia Maggiani, Shana Di Maio, Virginia Passaro, Davide Amato, Flaminia Amato, Elisabetta Barruffo, Veronica Bellandi, Luca Gaddini, Leonardo Messina.
Project co-ordinator: Cinzia Capparelli.
With the support of lecturers: Lorenzo Iervolino, Alessandro Izzillo, Claudio Spuri, Irene Cerrati.

Opening: Monday 4 March at 18:00 – Aula G14 – Campus RUFA di Via Giuseppe Libetta, 7.


The idea of creating a jeans that could be worn by anyone was at first thought to be crazy, then brilliant, then impossible, then necessary, then plausible.

Thanks to the invaluable help from the students of Sustainable Fashion Design, has finally become a reality.
Once the first prototype was created, Visual and Innovation Design students realised that one jeans for all – with this definitive and all-encompassing tone – was not enough, and that instead they were only at the beginning of a story that had to continue.

Motivated by enthusiasm and the desire to improve, they pursued their research and met with the valuable support of the associations Disability Pride Network and Fondazione Tetrabondi: since this meeting, the project perspective has definitely changed.

This led to the next step, albeit (as yet) not definitive: the design of a jeans line that can be constantly listening to the needs and uniqueness of different bodies.


On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition the video: ‘Levi’s One – A Jeans for Everyone’ was screened, as a preview and in the presence of the protagonists.

The video “Levi’s One – Un jeans per tutti” was realised within the RUFA Visual and Innovation Design course, Advertising Communication teaching – Unconventional Advertising module – by students Barbara Notaro, Enrico Scigliuto, Lucia Marenghi, in collaboration with Disability Pride Network and Fondazione Tetrabondi.

Filmmaking: Tiziano Stacchiotti
with: Carmelo Comisi, Fabiano Lioi, Ketty Giansiracusa, Mara Fanizzi, Martina Pasquali, Silvia Gioiosa, Simone De Rossi e Stefano Asaro.

Born out of the need to compare the results achieved by the creation of an inclusive jean, three RUFA Visual and Innovation Design students meet with members and activists of the Disability Pride Network and Fondazione Tetrabondi associations. The result is a complete questioning of the initial design, with the fundamental characteristics of the garment made earlier being revolutionised.

From the meeting, and from listening to each other, a phase of co-design was initiated that went beyond the needs of the students for the end-of-year exam, and the idea of a jeans for all gave rise to that of a real inclusive clothing line.

Produced as a document within the teaching of Advertising Communication, the video turns into a real communication tool: the teaser of a campaign for Levi’s One, a possible diversity-conscious sub-rand.


The exhibition will be open to the public until Saturday 9 March during normal academy opening hours.

Opening: Monday 4 March at 6.00pm
Video preview: Monday 4 March at 06.30pm
Open to the public Tuesday to Saturday: 9am – 8pm

See photos from the opening


from 05.03.2024 to 09.03.2024
Via Giuseppe Libetta, 7

Event type

  • RUFA Culture

Featured for:

  • Sustainable Fashion Design
  • Visual and Innovation Design