Start of the second season of SIRENE.PODCAST – Sounds, seductions and spells of the contemporary world.
On the anniversary of its birth, SIRENE.PODCAST will launch its new season, proposing a different way of listening and acting as a portal for the culture of sound and its interrelations with contemporary artistic languages. The name of the podcast – “SIRENE” – refers to two very precise meanings: the siren alarm, which during the global pandemic has touched many people, and at the same time the sirens who, with the sound of their voices, represent the mythological figures of fascination and attraction.
The students of the two-year course in Multimedia Arts and Design (MAD – I and II years), touching on topics of great interest and cultural resonance, will curate and produce all aspects of the project, thanks to the direction and guidance of Caterina Tomeo, creator and founder of the MAD course at RUFA. The podcast will feature prominent figures from the national and international scene together with young RUFA artists, and will be launched on platforms such as Spotify and Spreaker, spreading “joie de vivre” to the student community and to anyone interested in research and experimentation. The episodes will last about thirty minutes each, with the intention of providing an unprecedented point of view about the person interviewed, stimulating a deep reflection on the impact of sound in art and in everyday life.
Coordinator: Rosalia Giuliano
Curators: Lucrezia Mariotti, Rosalia Giuliano, Daniele Imani, Ada Uygan
Graphic Designer: Andrea Cecconi, Francesca Battaglia, Rosalia Giuliano, Ada Uygan
Sound Designer: Karina Sanchez, Martino Cassanelli
Episode I

Listening as a political act
RUFA students Rosalia Giuliano and Lucrezia Mariotti present the audiovisual artists Camilla Pisani and Daniela Gentile, continuing the journey of SIRENE.PODCAST with young Italian authors working in the field of sound experimentation both in Italy and abroad.
Episode II

Sonic belligeranza, the 8-bit Prometheus
Daniele Nobar Imani and Lucrezia Mariotti present Dj Balli, disc jockey, record producer and Italian writer.
“Modern, wide-ranging, relaxing, vegetative, post-organic: all of these adjectives are often used to describe electronic music. With DJ Balli, things are different.”
Episode III

Feeling through
Rosalia Giuliano and Lucrezia Mariotti present Anna Raimondo and Elena Biserna, two brilliant Italian artists active in the field of sound experimentation in Italy and abroad.
Episode IV

Manifesto 8-bit
In the fourth episode, Daniele Imani and Lucrezia Mariotti will present CPU/cake and Arottenbit, continuing SIRENE.PODCAST’s journey with young Italian experimenters working in the field of 8 Bit sound experimentation, chip tune both in Italy and abroad.