“Social media glow: how to use social media as an artist?”

On Tuesday 23 January 2024 we had as guests in RUFA social media strategists and content creators Anna Fornaciari and Anastasia Fontanesi, founders of the publishing project Travel on Art, who addressed a topical and fundamental issue: how can the artist make the most of social media?

As part of the talk “Social media glow: how to use social media as an artist?”, Anna and Anastasia provided practical guidelines for artists who want to approach the world of social media: what are the most suitable platforms to tell your story? What is your glow, your value on social media?
Best practices for creating an impactful profile and implementing an ad hoc content development strategy were presented.
Are social media alone really enough? The importance, not to be underestimated, of digital and human PR.

The talk was held in English, and moderated by artist and Visual Arts Coordinator Marta Jovanović..


About Anna Fornaciari e Anastasia Fontanesi

They have been working as copywriters, social media strategists and web content creators for 9 years.
In 2016 they founded ReFactory Communication in Reggio Emilia, a communication studio specialized in cultural and tourism projects.
In 2016 they also founded Travel on Art, an editorial project dedicated to contemporary cultural tourism, including social medias and the podcast Art&Chips.
In these years we have collaborated with cultural institutions, museums, foundations and tourism organizations in Italy and Europe for the production of digital contents and the creation of cultural itineraries.
In 2022 they published our first travel guide “Street Art in Italia. Viaggio fra luoghi e persone” with Polaris Publisher and we are contributors for the books “Destinazione Italia” (Polaris, 2021) and “Marketing per eventi culturali” (Dario Flaccovio, 2021).

See photos from the meeting


Pastificio Cerere

Event type

  • RUFA Culture

Featured for:

  • Art Curating and Management
  • Fine Arts
  • Painting
  • Sculpture and Installations