
from 26.10.2015 to 31.10.2015
  • workshop

Workshop RUFA 2015/16

Recommended for: Cinema - Design - Photography and Audiovisual - Graphic design - Multimedia Arts and Design - Painting - Set Design - Sculpture and Installations

Giornata delle matricole 2015/16

Recommended for: Cinema - Design - Photography and Audiovisual - Graphic design - Multimedia Arts and Design - Painting - Set Design - Sculpture and Installations
  • mostre
  • progetti
  • workshop

Formello site specific

Recommended for: Cinema - Design - Photography and Audiovisual - Graphic design - Multimedia Arts and Design - Painting - Set Design - Sculpture and Installations

RUFA Closing Party 4.0

Recommended for: Cinema - Design - Photography and Audiovisual - Graphic design - Multimedia Arts and Design - Painting - Set Design - Sculpture and Installations
  • concorsi
  • conferenze
  • mostre
  • progetti

Sagmeister in Rome

Recommended for: Cinema - Design - Photography and Audiovisual - Graphic design - Multimedia Arts and Design - Painting - Set Design - Sculpture and Installations

Rufa Open Day 2015

Recommended for: Cinema - Design - Photography and Audiovisual - Graphic design - Multimedia Arts and Design - Painting - Set Design - Sculpture and Installations
  • conferenze

Zerocalcare arriva in RUFA

Recommended for: Cinema - Design - Photography and Audiovisual - Graphic design - Multimedia Arts and Design - Painting - Set Design - Sculpture and Installations