Talk with Gianni Latino – Graphic designer between visual narrative, method and research

Presentation of the boook *giannilatino published by LetteraVentidue in the «graph/ it» graphic design series in Italy.
This volume collects a selection of graphic projects designed from 2012 to 2022. In his twenty-five years of activity, he has collaborated with numerous clients, curators and authors between visual narrative, method and research.

The event is open to all RUFA students and will take place Wednesday 5 April at 10:00am at the Aula Magna, in via Taro 14.
To register, log on to RUFA Career System with your credenzials, select from the menu ‘Workshop & Talks’, and click on the event: “Gianni Latino progettazione grafico tra narrazione visuale, metodo e ricerca”.

The Talk provides an account of graphic design and the graphic designer’s profession, for public utility, for both public and private clients, through cultural projects for the territory. The graphic designer is not a spectator, he is a protagonist, an intellectual revolutionary of the community. The communicative artefact, which takes shape, is designed for society, for the user, for the citizen, the first judge of the communicative project. Every project is a message, every message is graphics, graphics are everywhere, graphics become cultural communication.
The designer is a craftsman, if the interweaving of the culture of the hand and the culture of the brain, humanistic culture and technical-scientific culture come together, the intellectual craftsman is born, an organic designer between knowledge and methods of content and container. Graphics is an operation of knowledge, a discovery, a new look at reality, at the service of society, useful graphics for the public, for the community.
It takes courage to design, courage to know, courage to understand and comprehend, because graphics must be an added value. The graphic designer is an intellectual craftsman, a visual storyteller of content and container. Graphics must improve the community, with ethics and civic responsibility.

Who is Gianni Latino?

(Siracusa, 1976) graphic designer, teacher and author.
He is one of the most established names on the Italian graphic design scene. Since 2000, he has been working on visual identity for public and private entities, cultural communication, book design and curating public exhibitions. He is Professor of Graphic Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania, where he is Director.
He is a member of the National Council for Higher Education in Art and Music (Cnam). Author and editor of 13 books, his debut with Graphic design guide to graphic design (LetteraVentidue, 2011).
In 2016, he was selected among the 24 most established and influential Italian graphic designers on the national scene for the exhibition Signs contemporary Italian graphics.
In December 2022 he gave a TED talk in the TEDxVittoria format with the talk The courage to design for the community.


Participation in all the Talks planned for the current academic year will allow the acquisition of 1 Credit. Attendance at the Talk justifies absence from any classes held at the same time.


Via Taro 14

Event type

  • Conferences

Featured for:

  • Graphic design