Communicating Fashion Sustainability – Talk with Lawyer Sara Cavagnero

The new RUFA Talk in the Aula Magna featured a special guest: Sara Cavagnero, Law & Sustainability Expert per rén collective – The responsible evolution of fashion.

Communication has always been a pivotal element for the fashion industry. When it comes to sustainable fashion, however, messages need to be remodelled to adapt them to new scenarios and new value contents, which require different languages and images.
Indeed, the growing sensitivity of consumers, production chains and institutions towards environmental and social sustainability requires strategic reflection aimed at defining medium and long-term objectives.

How to develop an effective sustainable communication plan? What are Code of Ethics and Sustainability Report and according to which principles should they be drawn up? How can misleading messages be avoided?

The talk intends to answer these questions, transferring knowledge to participants on recent regulatory developments in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship, as well as on the main tools of green marketing and sustainability communication. The contents that were covered:

• Communicating sustainable fashion: proper promotion of the quality of garments and materials, information on value content.
The consum-actor not as a mere target, but as an active participant and agent of change.
The competitive advantage of conscious fashion brands in the transparent communication of virtuous and ethical practices.
Sustainability Report and Code of Ethics: tools to improve reputation, create value and avoid greenwashing.

Sara Cavagnero

Lawyer specialised in intellectual property, registered with the Milan Bar Association. She is currently a Ph.D. Researcher at Northumbria University, with a research project on Intellectual Property and Sustainable Fashion.
She collaborates with several organisations dedicated to sustainable fashion, including the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the Union of Concerned Researchers in Fashion. She currently works as a Law & Sustainability Expert for rén collective.


Participation in all the Talks planned for the current academic year will allow the acquisition of 1 Credit. Attendance at the Talk justifies absence from any classes held at the same time.



Event type

  • Conferences

Featured for:

  • Sustainable Fashion Design
  • Graphic design
  • Graphic Design - Comics and Illustration
  • Visual and Innovation Design