Stefano Schirato

Lecturer of the module Composition in the photographic image in the RUFA x Leica Akademie advanced training course: Immagine fotografica per il cinema e i nuovi media.

Stefano Schirato was born in Bologna in 1974, where he graduated in Political Science.
He has worked as a freelance photographer with a keen interest in social issues for more than 15 years. He collaborates with various magazines, associations and NGOs such as Emergency, AVSI, Caritas Internationalis, ICMC, with which he has participated in projects on human rights, refugee crisis and illegal immigration. He has worked as a set photographer with Oscar winner Tornatore (Baària, La Migliore Offerta), with Rocco Papaleo (Basilicata Coast to Coast), with Giuseppe Bonito (L’Arminuta). His work has been published by the New York Times, CNN, Newsweek Japan, Vanity Fair, Al Jazeera, Le Figaro, Geo International, Burnmagazine, National Geographic. He has several ongoing projects in Eastern Europe and Africa on the refugee crisis and for the last 7 years he has been running a project on pollution and corruption in southern Italy. Since 2014, he has been teaching photojournalism in Pescara, the city where he lives, for the Mood Photography school, of which he is a founding member.
He is a lecturer at Leica Akademie Italia and teaches photography at ISIA University (Istituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche) in Pescara.