Documentary filmmaker at Jumping Flea, a production company based in Rome. Founded in 2018, Jumping Flea has already produced numerous original documentaries such as “Koi,” “Notarangelo Ladro di Anime,” “Fort Apache,” “Come Una Vera Coppia,” “Blue Dots,” and co-productions with Rai such as “Il Tempio Della Velocità,” the documentary about Antonio De Curtis, and the one about Enzo Tortora. All of these films have received numerous national and international awards.
Graduated in Cinema at RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts, he directed several documentaries including “Koi” (2019), focusing on the 2011 tsunami in Japan, which won awards at the Mosaic World Film Festival in Chicago, at the On the Road Film Festival in Rome, and at the Roshd International Film Festival in Tehran. It was also a special screening at the Los Angeles Japan Film Festival, the largest Japanese festival in the United States. It competed at Puerto de Ideas in Chile, South America’s most important natural documentary festival. “Koi” was also selected at DocUtah 2019 and the Buffalo International Film Festival 2019.
“Blue Dots” (2022) is his second documentary, selected at the Tirana International Film Festival (Oscar & European Film Awards qualifying), the European Film Festival in Lille, and the Short Shorts International Film Festival (Oscar qualifying) in Tokyo. It won the Best Documentary award at the Cambria Film Festival in the USA. In 2023, he completed a third documentary in Japan titled “Honne and Tatemae.” In the same year, he directed a new feature-length documentary about the 2011 tsunami in Japan.
Lorenzo’s films explore themes of perseverance and memory, featuring well-researched, emotionally charged stories complemented by a sophisticated and harmonious narrative style. In 2022, he was invited as a guest to the Archaeological Museum of Naples for a Japanese event focused on the relationship between humans and nature in the wake of the 2011 disaster.
In 2022, he was director of photography for the Rai 2 documentary “Il Tempio della Velocità,” featuring Francesco Pannofino.