Fabrizio Matteo Rossi_Portrait

Fabrizio Matteo Rossi

Fabrizio Matteo Rossi began his activity in 1985 as a consultant for the Adriano Olivetti Foundation. In 1987 he founded the graphic studio Ikona, which he still manages. In 2000-2002 he directed, on behalf of the BAICR Consortium (Libraries and Archives of the Cultural Institutes of Rome), the multimodal project Novecento italiano. Documents for the history of ideas and society, intended for Italian high schools and universities. His works have been selected and exhibited in various international exhibitions, including three graphics biennials in Brno. He has been involved in professional training for visual communication since 1990, teaching in various institutes and universities. He participated in the formulation and implementation of the graphic editorial training project in prisons (Cnos-Fap, 1995-1999). Editor of the magazine “Progetto grafico” (2006 – 2010), he received the special prize for translation from the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities in 2010. Among his publications: the entries Visual Communication, Poster and Industrial Design in the Great Dictionary of Visual Arts “Le Muse” (Turin-Milan, 2004); The new Types & visual communication. Introduction to the study of typography (Rome, 2017);
Typographic games. Manual of typographical exercises (Rome, 2007); The space around. Typography according to Andrea Palladio (Rome, 2012); Typographic diary. Meetings, types, books (Rome, 2013); Social diary. Community and visual communication (Rome, 2013); Mallarmé, writing and form of the text, in Mallarmé, typography and the aesthetics of the book (Vicenza, 2021). Edited and translated Gérard Blanchard, The choices in typography (Vicenza, forthcoming); David Rault, Roger Excoffon, the gentleman of typography (Vicenza, 2022). Professional member of the Aiap-Italian Association of Visual Communication Design and registered in the Beda register (The bureau of European design associations), 1990-2022. National councillor of AIAP (2006 – 2010). Member of ATypI (Association Typographique Internationale).