Emiliano Scatarzi

Lecturer of the module Working for docufilm production in the RUFA x Leica Akademie advanced training course: Immagine fotografica per il cinema e i nuovi media.

Born in Florence in 1973, he lives and works in Milan. He works in advertising, commercial and artistic photography, without neglecting reportage. In the advertising sector, he has done photo shoots for Swatch, Luxottica, Fiat, Gilera, Gancia, Alitalia and works as an executive producer. In the editorial field he has collaborated with the main Italian newspapers including Max, Carnet, Gq, Io Donna. His photographic research focuses on his personal project Tela-visione, a work around the television media, a pungent and ironic critique of the massifying and deviant aspects of this media, and continues with Empty-V. In 2003, he was one of the three founding members of the FOTOGRAFISENZAFRONTIERE-onlus association, aimed at creating permanent photography workshops in critical areas of the world. In 2008 he began a collaboration with Corriere della Sera with articles on art and customs in the cultural pages of Florence and photographs for the national edition. He has exhibited in various venues in Italy and abroad.

Website – EmilianoScatarzi.com