He studied music in Milan and philosophy in Bologna. Since 1999 he is one of the authors of the Rai 3 TV program “Fuori Orario”. For years he has written about cinema for the monthly “filmcritica”, for the newspaper “il manifesto”, for the weekly magazine “nòva / il sole 24 ore”, holding a monthly column in the rock magazine “Blow Up”. In 2013 he wrote “Sentimental Atlas of Cinema for the 21st Century”, with Alberto Momo (with whom he founded, in 2015, Zomia, an independent film society that released in Europe films by Lav Diaz, Pedro Costa, Tariq Teguia, Julio Bressane), winning the Limina / FilmTV award for the best movie book of the year. He has collaborated – as producer, actor, musician or director of photography – with Amir Naderi, Jean-Marie Straub, Enrico Ghezzi, Tonino De Bernardi, Ado Arietta, Luis Fulvio. He directed two episodes (the first and the last) of the tv-series “Zaum” (broadcasted on Rai3 in 2011). He is co-author of the script for the film Monte (2016) directed by iranian master Amir Naderi, winner of “Contenders 2016” at the MoMA in New York.