Daniele Falchi

Daniele Falchi is a young artist, critic and curator who focuses his research in the field of cinema and new media art.
He completed his studies at RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts, where he continues to teach as a Teacher Assistant for the chair of “Contemporary art and new media”. He currently teaches “Video Production Elements” and “Digital Video” at DAM Academy in Rome. Since 2019 he has collaborated with Dancity Festival, organizing talks, exhibitions and meetings on contemporary culture. In 2020 he participated at Romaeuropa Festival with the installation “THE POST-FUTURIST CAVE”, as part of the Digitalive exhibition. His latest publication, “Techno-maenads. From the classical world to the contemporary West” is contained in “Electronics is Woman. Media, bodies, transfeminist and queer practices”, published by Castelvecchi in 2022.

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