Caterina Tomeo

Caterina Tomeo is an art historian who combines research activity with critical and curatorial practice. She specializes in Contemporary Art with a particular interest in transdisciplinarity and research in the fields of Media Art and Sonic Art. She is the Department Head of “Progettazione e Arti Applicate. Scuola di Nuove Tecnologie dell’Arte” and coordinator of the Master’s Degree program in “Multimedia Arts and Design” at RUFA. She teaches in the Master’s program in “Lighting Design” at the Faculty of Architecture of Sapienza University of Rome; in the Master’s program in “Economics and Management of Art and Culture” at the Business School Sole 24 Ore in Rome; and in the Master’s program in “Management of Art and Cultural Heritage” at Giunti Academy – School of Management in Florence. She collaborates with international festivals dedicated to electronic music and contemporary culture. She is an author for Castelvecchi; among her most recent publications are: Sound Art. Ascoltare è come vedere (2017); Sonic Arts. Tra esperienza percettiva e ascolto attivo (2019); L’elettronica è donna. Media, corpi, pratiche transfemministe e queer, edited by C. Attimonelli and C. Tomeo (Castelvecchi); and the upcoming publication VOICE. Il fenomeno della voce tra immateriale e carnale (2025).