The cultural association TWM Factory promotes a contest for the reuse of discarded objects, aimed at artists and designers aged between 16 and 34 years, living in the Lazio region, for the creation of a work of art to be exhibited in the permanent exhibition of Roma Smistamento. The theme of reuse stands in contrast… Find out more
Sculpture and Installations

Fine Arts
Free Raw and Poor / In Ether
The curator, Beatrice Levorato, and artists Stefano Tenti and Federica Griesi told about the exhibition in a live talk streamed from RUFA Space on Friday, February 12 at 11:00 am. Testimony of a thought that returns to the primitive, an essential consequence of the current historical moment. Stefano Tenti and Federica Griesi come together… Find out more

Fine Arts
Domani Qui Oggi
“Domani Qui Oggi” is the exhibition curated by Ilaria Gianni as part of the 2020 Quadrennial, which brings together the work of 10 young artists selected in the Italian Fine Arts Academies by the AccadeMibact prize, an initiative promoted by the General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities. What… Find out more
Fine Arts
Kamishibai: construction of installations – shadow performances
Anusc Castiglioni, an independent artist, was the protagonist of the masterclass, of the Master of Fine Arts degree course, entitled “Kamishibai: construction of installations – shadow performances”. The students, who participated in this series of meetings that took place from 18 to 22 January, began their project by drawing the outlines of their shadows and… Find out more
“V_AIR 2021 – Vimercate Art in Residence”, a call for under 35 artist residencies.
Everything is ready for the fifth edition of “V_AIR Vimercate Art in Residence”, the annual program of artistic residencies promoted by the Department of Culture of the City of Vimercate in Lombardy, which rewards and supports contemporary artistic production. Until 12th February, artists/students aged between 19 and 35 who work in the visual arts (photography,… Find out more

Fine Arts
RUFA lecturer Davide Dormino among the artists of “B-JESUS – THE NATIVITY SCENE OF THE FUTURE”.
About 20 meters long by 14 meters wide, 80 artists involved and over 4 thousand hours of work. These are the numbers of “B-JESUS – THE NATIVITY SCENE OF THE FUTURE”, which can be visited at the “Nicola Calipari” gardens in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II in Rome from January 14 to February 6. The work… Find out more

Fine Arts
JaguArt 2020: among the ten young finalists of the Artissima prize there is also Camilla Gurgone
Research, experimentation, innovation. The formative and artistic path of Camilla Gurgone, RUFA graduate in Visual Arts, has always been marked by the declination of these elements, to be combined and unraveled at will in order to return works and performances that are never trivial. In this scenario, Gurgone herself has always been able to… Find out more

Fine Arts
Multipli 2020 – Printmaking and installations made in RUFA
The first exhibition of RUFA dedicated entirely to graphics arts, the result of the work of the students during the lockdown and accessible both physically and online. Reason of pride and opportunity, for the emerging RUFA artists who exhibited, was the “contact” with the public of Roma Art Week. Printmaking has the fascinating prerogative of… Find out more

Arte cinematografica
Workshop RUFA 2020/2021 – October Session – Photos and Video
The autumn session of RUFA workshops has just ended. From October 19 to 24, 2020, the students of the Academy met with experts in design, creativity and technology. The workshops, which the Academy offers to the students every year, generate an exchange of ideas, technique and experience that are handed down from professionals to the designers… Find out more

Fine Arts
The Quadrennial can be visited free of charge until January 17, 2021.
The inauguration of the 2020 edition of La Quadriennale di Roma has a twofold significance: on the one hand, it demonstrates the support of the institutions and the State for one of the events that, over the years, has strengthened the role of research and experimentation in the artistic field, and on the other hand,… Find out more

Fine Arts
Fabrizio Dell’Arno exhibits in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, as part of the talks on communication and innovation
RUFA teacher, Fabrizio Dell’Arno, will be present at the ninth edition of the “Colloquium on communication and innovation. Art, intervention and communication of public interest”. This is, specifically, an initiative promoted by the Universidade Municipal de Sao Caetano do Sul which is based in the city of Sao Paulo in Brazil. The important cultural event… Find out more

Fine Arts
RUFA students and graduates on display at Chiaroscuro contemporary art exhibition
Promote young artists and curators who are trained in the Academies. It is in this context that the “Recommended” project has taken shape. Conceived by Francesca Longo and Raffaele Gavarro, the initiative is addressed to RUFA and ABA graduates who will be able to exhibit their works in an exhibition, with a refined setting, followed… Find out more

Fine Arts
Multipli 2020 – Printmaking and installations by RUFA
Printmaking is the “non-place” of art. That space of thought and doing that has the license to operate in the freedom of non belonging. For some years now, work within the strict technical dictates, which are the fascinating prerogative of printmaking, has appropriated the languages of other artistic disciplines, from sculpture to installation and performance…. Find out more

Fine Arts
Foedus Lab is coming
Saturday, October 17, at the Botanical Garden of Rome, in largo Cristina di Svezia 23A-24, will be held the first edition of “Foedus Lab”: a workshop, but also an unmissable opportunity to meet, exchange, training and enrichment. The event, totally free of charge, which will be held in full compliance with all anti-covid19 regulations, will… Find out more

Fine Arts
RUFA teacher Simone Cametti signs the project “Oh Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me!”.
In continuity with some recent experiences that characterize the artistic path of these last months, RUFA teacher of Visual Arts Simone Cametti exhibits at Ncontemporay gallery in Milan with the exhibition entitled “Oh Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me!”. The project is in line with the light factor of 4500 kelvin degrees and provides for… Find out more

Fine Arts
Ecosofia Gallery moves to Palazzo Collicola
The current Covid-19 situation in the World, has led the direction of the FuoriFestival and the Festival dei 2 Mondi to have as a priority the protection of citizens’ health, thus avoiding events where social distancing is at risk, therefore the 2020 edition of the FuoriFestival has been cancelled. Despite the cancellation, the Ecosofia Gallery… Find out more

Fine Arts
From the Memmo Foundation an artist’s residence in London
In 1990 Roberto Memmo, who has always been interested in art in every form of expression, decided to set up a private Foundation and take on the role of its president. His passion for beauty led him to want to share, with a vast public, the creativity of the great masters through the contemplation of… Find out more

Fine Arts
RUFA in Spoleto during the Fuori Festival
The Spoleto Festival is one of those events that needs no introduction. Every year the magnificent Umbrian city opens to the world, showing its monumental beauty, intact as its historical vocation to art. The majestic scenery of the Albornoziana Fortress and the magnificent sequence of arches of the Ponte delle Torri prelude to the Roman… Find out more

Fine Arts
Looking for “Ebrea”
Fabio Mauri (Rome, 1926-2009) is one of the masters of the Italian avant-garde after World War II. His first monochromes and Screens date back to 1957, but it was in the 1970s that he became an absolute protagonist of the national and international art scene, proposing works such as “Ebrea” (1971) and “Che cosa è… Find out more

Open call: Lefranc Bourgeois 300. Residence for under 40 artists
From Matisse and Cezanne to Picasso, from Arman to Niki de Saint Phalle, many generations of artists, even very distant from each other, in terms of culture, historical period, experiences, dialectics and language. But there is one thing that brings them all closer, for 300 years now: colour. And in particular the colors of what… Find out more