From 25 April to 1 May, the new exhibition “Quello che il cielo non mi ha detto” (What the sky didn’t tell me) by Amedeo Longo and Sofia Sotto Corona, artists and RUFA Fine Arts students, is open to the public. With “Quel che il cielo non mi ha detto”, Amedeo Longo and Sofia… Find out more
Fine Arts
“Sacralità/Sacro” masterclass kicks off
After the success of the 2021 edition, the Fine Arts masterclass “Sacralità/Sacro – Collaborative site-specific installation” is back. From 4 to 12 April the Fine Arts masterclass curated by Umberto Giovannini was held again, during which students worked on the realisation of a collective “site specific” project. The aim of the masterclass was to investigate… Find out more
Fine Arts
The Corrupted Archive
The art project ‘The Corrupted Archive’ is continuously seeking contributions for the construction of a participatory visual archive. “What happens when an image deteriorates? Does a piece of reality vanish?” The art project The Corrupted Archive – by the artist Luca Spano in collaboration with Maurizio Lai – explores the implications of corrupted… Find out more
Quando il bambino era bambino
Sunday, March 20 marks the inauguration of the new project of lecturer Davide Dormino: “Quando il bambino era bambino”, with a text by Silvano Manganaro. The appointment is from 12 noon to 7 p.m. at Fondazione VOLUME! “…Quando il bambino era bambino, non sapeva di essere un bambino, per lui tutto aveva un’anima e… Find out more
CENTO PITTORI Under35 is an event in the 1st edition, organized and promoted by the Roman association Officine Vittoria, which will take place from 23 to 26 April 2022 along the entire Via Margutta, dedicated to artists under 35 and daughter of the historic “One Hundred Painters Via Margutta “. RUFA students are encouraged to… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
La sigaretta è finita
A lapidary title for the exhibition project of the young RUFA artists and promoted by InsideArt: a concept dedicated to the conceptual and cultural end of the cigarette. An object that has accompanied the history of humanity for about two centuries, becoming a contradictory reference in contemporary iconography, a symbol of rebellion, bravado, virility,… Find out more
Fine Arts
Queen Sonja Print Award
Congratulations to Maria Pina Bentivenga for an important goal. Our RUFA teacher has just been nominated – the only Italian artist – with the “Torri” project for the Queen Sonja Print Award , the Norwegian royal house’s engraving award. The Queen Sonja Print Award has become the world’s premier graphic art award – a… Find out more
Fine Arts
From the Academy to the Todi Biennial: the story of Wang Yuxiang
RUFA School of Visual Arts student Wang Yuxiang, with his project “Pensa di uscire” (Think about getting out), as part of the Year of Culture between Italy and China, was the star of the first edition of the Bienniale di Todi. The event is promoted by Diego Costantini’s Tower Gallery. The winner of the first… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
Fourth edition HOME contest
The “Antonio Gramsci” Foundation, as part of “HOME – House of Memory & Engagement”, an integrated didactic project developed as part of the Creative Hub, has decided to confirm the creative competition aimed at students of the Fine Arts Academies to creatively interpret Antonio Gramsci’s thought. HOME contest The fourth edition of the contest is… Find out more
Fine Arts
Palais Coiffeur Exhibition
Never the same, capable of declining art and places in unison, transmitting to the observer an ever-changing point of view. “Palais Coiffeur” exhibition is the new artistic work of RUFA lecturer Simone Cametti, in synergy with RUFA student and artist Antifigure, which can be visited until 22 December at the KH workshop in Via Flaminia… Find out more
Talk and workshop with Farid Rahimi
RUFA and Fondazione smART- polo per l’arte are ready to cooperate together within the Bachelor of Arts in Painting course directed by the lecturer Fabrizio Dell’Arno, with the coordination of Emiliano Coletta. Two different meetings, in talk and workshop format, with Farid Rahimi for the realisation of a project in line with the teaching programme… Find out more
Fine Arts
Human: first-post-contemporary
On Friday 19 November 2021 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., the RUFA Space will host the event Human: first-post-contemporary the final exhibition of the Workshop “Bodies, textiles, images” by Caterina Di Rienzo. RUFA Space RUFA Space, the multi-purpose area dedicated to events and exhibitions by the students of the Academy, continues to generate culture,… Find out more
Scholarship for visual arts and photography
Médiathèque Valais – Martigny (MV-MY) and Margherita Foundation (FM) are offering a scholarship to a young artist who has graduated from an art school in visual arts and photography. The scholarship The scholarship is intended to provide economic support in the transitional period between the end of the training course and entry into a full-fledged… Find out more
A Call to Remember Giorgio De Chirico
Thanks to the collaboration between the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Foundation and the Giorgio and Isa De Chirico Foundation, the “Prize for Contemporary Art – Theogony, Traces of the Future” has been created, a competition in memory of Giorgio De Chirico for young artists under 35 years of age aimed at highlighting the artist’s work…. Find out more
At the end of the enrolment phase, the following places are still available for the first years of the respective courses: BACHELOR OF ARTS MASTER OF ARTS The available places will be reassigned by scrolling through the order of the candidates considered admitted and suitable for their respective courses in previous admission sessions. The registration… Find out more
Fine Arts
La posizione in cui dormono le api exhibition presentation
On Wednesday, October 6, 2021, from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m., at LCA Studio Legale in Via della Moscova, 18 – Milan, the exhibition “La posizione in cui dormono le api. Scarti e altri sguardi” (The position where bees sleep. Scraps and other looks), born from the collaboration of the Art department and the Sustainability committee… Find out more
International prize Generazione contemporanea
Now in its sixth edition, the International Prize “Generazione Contemporanea”, promoted by the Luiss Creative Business Center, aims to promote contemporary Italian and foreign art, support artists under 35 and expand the permanent art collection of the Luiss Business School. The competition requires that candidate works develop a specific concept, which will also be the… Find out more
Fine Arts
Mesa Project, online meeting with Barbara Soalheiro
Fabrica, the Communication Research Centre which, since 1994, has been hosting young creatives from all over the world in artist residencies, has organised a programme of free online lectures that are also open to RUFA students. Speakers will include representatives of the international creative community, as well as entrepreneurs, sociologists and writers. The online meeting… Find out more
“Dear Adoption 2” Contest
ItaliaAdozioni, an association of social promotion, has launched the graphic design competition “Design the cover of the book Dear Adoption 2”, aimed at students of graphics, design, illustration, drawing, art and recent graduates or undergraduates in the same disciplines. The deadline for participation is 30 November. By that date, those interested should send, exclusively by… Find out more
Fine Arts
Alan Jones: chronicler of contemporary art
Alan Jones, art critic, poet and curator of exhibitions for important American and European institutions, died yesterday in Venice. He was a chronicler of American Pop Art and the New York scene from the end of the 1970s onwards, a chronicler of contemporary art that was translated all over the world. He was probably the… Find out more