On the occasion of the celebrations for the centenary of the Garbatella district, the Ater – Territorial company for public housing in the municipality of Rome has launched a call for proposals aimed at presenting creative projects with the aim of decorating the blind wall of a building located in the district. The aim of… Find out more
Graphic Design – Comics and Illustration
For RUFA students the talk “Le strutture del racconto”
“Le strutture del racconto” is the title of the talk that will take place on Wednesday, January 22, from 10 am in RUFA Aula Magna, Via Taro. The meeting, curated by teacher Fabrizio Verrocchi, is addressed to all students, but is particularly recommended for those who attend courses in Cinema, Graphic design, Graphic deign –… Find out more
Graphic design
Fumetti nei Musei exhibition
“Fumetti nei Musei”, the project conceived by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism and carried out with Coconino Press – Fandango, is back. Twenty-nine new books tell, through the art of comics, the contemporaneity of Italian cultural places, living places where incredible stories happen and where the imagination is pushed towards the… Find out more
Graphic design
RUFA and Cheese factory of Sorano, together for a “call for artist” with a sylvan tone
RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts students are called on to create two artistic works to be included in the Comune di Sorano (Gr) and in particular in the spaces belonging to the Caseificio di Sorano. The origin of Sorano dates back to the Etruscans, but already in the fifteenth century the social role… Find out more
Graphic design
StreeT-shirt experience
StreeT-shirt Experience is an exhibition, curated by Claudio Spuri, that recounts the unique experience of the T-Wall created for Miteeca Festival on October 10, 2015 within “Italianism” during the Outdoor Festival. In this case the exhibition is hosted at RUFA Space, in via degli Ausoni 7, in the heart of the San Lorenzo district. The… Find out more
Graphic Design - Comics and Illustration
F as Frigolandia – The land of Frigidaire
The program #OfficineRufa continues its appointments proposing a meeting with Vincenzo Sparagna around the word Frigolandia. What is the Republic of Frigolandia? How do you build and how does a fake work? Is there a Maivist art? From Il Male to Frigidaire, passing through Stefano Tamburini and Andrea Pazienza, the incredible story of how art… Find out more
Screenplay: Cinema vs Comics. The Masterclass with Uzzeo and Guaglione closes the cycle.
The Masterclass cycle of ARF! in RUFA ends in the best way possible. Saturday, April 28th, in fact, we had two guests Mauro Uzzeo and Fabio Guaglione who discussed the theme of the screenplay. Uzzeo, screenwriter in force at Bonelli, and Guaglione, screenwriter and director of MINE, debated in a three-hour session that ranged from… Find out more
Graphic Design - Comics and Illustration
Last two ARF! Masterclasses in RUFA. Not to be missed!
Registration for the last two ARF! Masterclasses in RUFA is now open. After the extraordinary meetings with GIPI and Giacomo Bevilacqua we give you an appointment in the Aula Paolo Rosa on April 21st with LRNZ- Lorenzo Ceccotti and on April 28th with Mauro Uzzeo and Fabio Guaglione. With LRNZ, internationally renowned cartoonist and illustrator,… Find out more
Graphic design
Giacomo Bevilacqua and everything you’ve always wanted to know about comics
It’s quick to say “comic book” and maybe even more to say “comic book”, but what does it really mean to live on comics? In three hours Giacomo Bevilacqua has unravelled the world of comics from idea to writing to drawing, to the relationship with publishers and the public. He spoke very concretely about how… Find out more
Graphic Design - Comics and Illustration
The ARF MASTERCLASS! IN RUFA. Next is with Giacomo Bevilacqua
The second lesson of the ARF! Masterclass cycle in RUFA will star Giacomo Bevilacqua, internationally renowned cartoonist whose last work “The sound of the world by heart” has been included by Forbes magazine among the 10 best Graphic Novels released in the United States in 2017. It’s easy to say “Comics” , this is the… Find out more
Graphic Design - Comics and Illustration
The Masterclass with GIPI “Comics, lethal obsession”
On Saturday 17th February we started the ARF Masterclass cycle! in RUFA, four events dedicated to the masters of Italian comics. GIPI has pitted his professional and private life in three hours, giving an audience of 50 aspiring cartoonists and writers, food for thought, valuable advice and above all making available all his experience. Here… Find out more
MASTERCLASS by ARF! IN RUFA. In class with the super stars of comics
Four milestones waiting ARF! Festival RUFA is proud to present the Masterclass cycle in collaboration with ARF! the Comics Festival of Rome. A cycle of 4 meetings/lessons with some of the most important comic strip artists and authors of the Italian scene. Four unmissable appointments, dedicated to those who want to discover the secrets of… Find out more
A competition to remember the horror of anti-Semitism with an illustration
If illustration was used for the propaganda of fascist racial laws, which trampled on the rights of Italian Jews, today it is the same illustration that draws a warning to the new generations. Cartoons on The Bay, the international festival of cross-media animation and children’s TV, organized by RAI, launches a Contest for young students… Find out more
Graphic Design - Comics and Illustration
Print Solo, come comprare opere d’arte a basso costo
All’Accademia RUFA è stata presentata la piattaforma online specializzata nel market place di grafiche d’arte Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco è un’artista italiana che da 17 anni vive e lavora a Londra. La sua specialità è la pittura, ma la sua grande passione è la grafica d’arte. E da circa due mesi il suo nome sta… Find out more
Graphic design
Street art a Formello, le foto del laboratorio con Diamond
Le immagini del nuovo appuntamento del grande workshop dedicato all’arte urbana Sabato e domenica scorsi (27 e 28 febbraio) si è svolto un nuovo appuntamento del workshop di Street art “La classe non è acqua”, che a Formello sta portando ogni mese i più grandi street artist italiani per i laboratori con studenti RUFA e… Find out more
Fine Arts
A RUFA la presentazione di Print Solo
Ospite all’Accademia Ilaria Rosselli Del Turco, fondatrice di una piattaforma online dedicata alla grafica d’arte Lunedì 29 febbraio, dalle 18:00 alle 19:30, RUFA ospita nell’Aula Magna Paolo Rosa di via Taro la presentazione di Print Solo. Piattaforma on-line dedicata interamente alla grafica d’arte di qualità, incisioni, stampe d’arte e libri d’artista, la galleria Print Solo… Find out more
Graphic design
Street art, ecco le foto RUFA del workshop a Formello
Da Guerrilla Spam a Paolo Buggiani fino alla Venere degli stracci. tutti gli scatti della giornata A Formello, fino a giugno, si svolge un grande workshop di Street art, di cui l’Accademia RUFA è partner. Il titolo del programma è “La classe non è acqua” e consiste in un ciclo di incontri con grandi street… Find out more
Fine Arts
A Formello in mostra le opere di Paolo Buggiani in dialogo con Haring
Le sculture di fuoco dello street artist e la pop art: una sintesi della scena newyorkese degli anni ’70 Il 30 gennaio inaugura a Formello la grande mostra “Buggiani/Haring, U.S.A e getta”, fino al 20 febbraio, nella Sala Orsini di Palazzo Chigi, a cura di Giorgio de Finis. Si tratta di un progetto che vede… Find out more
Miteeca, i workshop
Stampa a caratteri mobili e t-shirt si incontrano per dare vita alla creatività degli studenti Rufa Il 25 ottobre, al Lanificio, arriva Miteeca, il festival interamente dedicato alla t-shirt. Un’occasione per conoscere le creazioni creative e le novità legate al settore, ma anche un momento didattico di apprendimento. Nell’ambito del festival, infatti, sono previste anche… Find out more
Miteeca, l’anteprima
L’appuntamento dedicato alla t-shirt viene presentato nell’ambito dell’Outdoor Festival Aspettando l’inaugurazione ufficiale di Miteeca, il 25 ottobre al Lanificio, il festival dedicato alla t-shirt viene presentato in anteprima il 10 ottobre all’ex caserma sita in via Guido Reni 7. L’appuntamento sarà inserito nell’ambito di Italianism, conferenza creativa e luogo d’incontro della nuova scena visiva italiana,… Find out more