The autumn session of RUFA workshops has just ended. From October 19 to 24, 2020, the students of the Academy met with experts in design, creativity and technology. The workshops, which the Academy offers to the students every year, generate an exchange of ideas, technique and experience that are handed down from professionals to the designers… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
Arte cinematografica
At the end of the enrolment phase, the following places are still available for the first years of the respective courses: BACHELOR OF ARTS MASTER OF ARTS The available places will be reassigned by scrolling through the order of the candidates considered admitted and suitable for their respective courses in previous admission sessions. The registration… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
MAC, exhibition of Anna Di Paola
The exhibition season resumes at the Maja Arte Contemporanea in Via Monserrato 30, Rome. To inaugurate this restart Anna Di Paola, already graduated from the School of Photography RUFA. The exhibition, which can be visited from October 1th to November 14th, is dipped “Misero Blu” and focuses on the works of the Molise artist who,… Find out more
Open entries for the TAKEAPIC contest
Registrations are now open to participate to the TAKEAPIC contest, the free themed photo contest that will take place in Viterbo and its province on Sunday, October 11th from 10 am. The pilot project was born from a double need: to tell the artistic, natural and cultural heritage of Tuscia in Viterbo and to allow… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
RUFA teacher Alessandro Carpentieri tells his story on Rai Radio 3
Seven photographers, including RUFA teacher Alessandro Carpentieri, talk to the microphones of RaiRadio 3’s Battiti program, with the aim of describing their best shot. A narrative that lasts a whole week: a daily photograph to convey to the viewer not only the instant, but also the circumstances, chance, perseverance, willpower but also the luck that… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
Contemporary photography and photobooks, we talk about it with Laia Abril and Fiorenza Pinna
On Monday 22nd June, at 18.30, RUFA teacher Fiorenza Pinna and the artist Laia Abril will discuss, on the Instagram @rufa_university account, the theme Contemporary photography and photobooks. Laia Abril is a photographer and spanish artist. She has collaborated with the magazine “Colors” and has exhibited her works in the United States, China, Switzerland, Italy… Find out more
RUFA – Experience nel segno di Instagram
Talk and live performance Instagram to broadcast the RUFA – Experience to those who feed on art. This is the scenario that has led the Academy of Fine Arts legally recognized by the Mur, to plan a series of activities that, starting from social activities, can contribute to nourish the sense of belonging and identity… Find out more
RUFA, partner of Rewriters to rewrite contemporary imagery through your shots
A project to rewrite the contemporary that sees RUFA students as protagonists. The artistic and cultural movement Rewriters, which is also a newspaper, has launched a contest to select the “rewriters” of contemporary imagery through photographic shots that are able to tell in an innovative way the world in which we live. The initiative is… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
You are not here, make yourself at home
“YOU ARE NOT HERE, MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME” is the answer, in the form of a book (which will never be printed) of the first year students of RUFA School of Photography: academic year 2019/2020. Each of them was asked to develop feelings, thoughts, worries, joys and fears, compared to the unexpected and new moment… Find out more
Creativity beyond boundaries
Meetings and talks with the most influential characters of the art system to relaunch a unique and clear message: creativity does not stop. In its becoming is an unstoppable process that spans time and history, as well as generations. It has no point of reference, no beginning and no end: it is only possible to… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
RUFA in the representative headquarters of the Italian Embassy in Mexico City
It took about five months. It all began last October with the visit to RUFA of the Italian Ambassador to Mexico City Luigi De Chiara and his wife Idoia Uribarri. The project? Simple and exciting in the same way: transforming the Embassy’s representative office into a museum of contemporary art and rewarding the educational path… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
MIND M(U)P – RUFA story of Garbatella – Photos and video
Never before now, for RUFA, is a period of great growth and creative fervor thanks to the birth of multidisciplinary collectives such as the collettivoFareCose, composed by students of the School of Cinema and Photography: Sonia Bouslama, Cristina Cannistraci, Daniele Cimaglia, Niccolò Consolo, Cristina De Rosa, Claudia Frisardi, Ida Indaco, Davide Magdalone, Noemi Montaleone, Asia… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
MIND M(U)P – RUFA story of Garbatella
On February 27th at 6.00 p.m. the exhibition GARBATELLA MIND M(U)P – Choral photo installation of RUFA students of the Bachelor Photography course , from the idea of the collettivoFareCose, will be inaugurated. The exhibition will be held at the Ater space in Via Percoto 6 and will be open until March 6th from 3… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
RUFA, meeting between music, photography and video
The project “Le immagini sfocate”, curated by RUFA lecturer Alessandro Carpentieri with the presence of Marco Ariano, will be held on Monday 10th February at 4.30 p.m. in the photography classrooms of via Benaco 1. The meeting, dedicated to videomakers and photographers, is aimed at presenting the dance and music experience “DE-STARE – Paesaggi dello… Find out more
RAI Cinema and RUFA, a synergy on storytelling and transmediality is starting up
RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts and Rai Cinema have started a collaboration with the students of the Academy, with the aim of exploring new forms of storytelling on different communication channels. On January 30 a group of young people took part in the press conference for the launch of Gabriele Muccino’s film “Gli… Find out more
RUFA and Contrasto, masterclass with the photoreporter Massimo Berruti
Bring the knowledge learned during the lessons to the practical and operational level. It is in this context that the masterclasses by the Contrasto agency are focused. These are in-depth lessons that put the students of the third year of the course of Photography in front of those who are experts in this field, both… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
MOTUUM – The Self-seeking Observer – Photos
The opening of the group exhibition MOTUUM on January 16th, at RUFA Space, curated by Alice Pietrucci, was a great success. The seven participatory art installations allowed the third year students of the School of Photography to use an approach in creating art that directly involved the public and allowed them to become co-author, editor… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
RUFA and Contrasto, masterclass with Francesco Anselmi
Bring the knowledge learned during the lessons to the practical and operational level. It is in this context that the masterclasses by the Contrasto agency are focused. These are in-depth lessons that put the students of the third year of the course of Photography in front of those who are experts in this field, both… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
MOTUUM – The Self-seeking Observer – Photography Collective
On January 16th, at RUFA Space from 6.00 pm, the inauguration of the collective exhibition MOTUUM curated by Alice Pietrucci will take place. The protagonists of the exhibition are the works of the third year students of the Photography course who have developed seven installations of participatory art. Cristina Cannistraci, Anna Di Rocco, Amparo Lavezzo,… Find out more
Photography and Audiovisual
Agadez – Rosarno. Luoghi migranti allo specchio – Photos
On 14 December, at the RUFA Space, the photographic exhibition “Agadez – Rosarno. Luoghi migranti allo specchio” was inaugurated with the support of RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts. Medu – Medici per i diritti umani presented the photos of Olmo Calvo and Rocco Rorandelli. The protagonists are the city of Agadez, leads to… Find out more