We renew the appointment with the contest “Pitch me! Pierluigi De Mas 2020”, as part of the festival “Cartoons on the Bay”. The event, now in its 24th edition, will be held in Pescara from 2nd to 5th April. The participation to the contest, dedicated to the memory of the homonymous great master of Italian… Find out more
For RUFA students the talk “Le strutture del racconto”
“Le strutture del racconto” is the title of the talk that will take place on Wednesday, January 22, from 10 am in RUFA Aula Magna, Via Taro. The meeting, curated by teacher Fabrizio Verrocchi, is addressed to all students, but is particularly recommended for those who attend courses in Cinema, Graphic design, Graphic deign –… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
MATTADOR, the call for screenwriters and more
The call for the eleventh edition of the international award for the screenplay “MATTADOR” is now open. It is dedicated to Matteo Caenazzo, a young man from Trieste who graduated in painting decoration and died prematurely in 2009. The award is aimed at Italian and foreign authors aged 16 to 30 years, with the aim… Find out more
RUFA, the call for the best script for a short film opens
Everything is ready for the second edition of the contest “La realtà che non esiste”. One More Pictures and Rai Cinema are also calling on RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts students to create the best script for a VR short film and to develop a cross-media project that will be produced within the… Find out more
A talk with Caterina Niccolai – Photos and video
There are many fundamental questions that each of us raises when it comes to copyright. What does copyright protect? How can I protect my works? Can I use a copyrighted work without infringement? The talk “Copyright in the audiovisual field” held on Wednesday 11 December at Via Taro 14, with the participation of Caterina Niccolai,… Find out more
RUFA and Croce Rossa Italiana, together for the communication of a commitment
Two projects, one of cinema and the other of photography, to show on the social front the synergistic action between RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts and the Croce Rossa Italiana. Objective: to promote and enhance the activities carried out by the Croce Rossa Italiana and those of its volunteers, following an educational project,… Find out more
RUFA and Contrasto, photography masterclass with Emanuela Zuccalà
Bring the knowledge learned during the lessons to the practical and operational level. It is in this context that the masterclasses by the Contrasto agency are focused. These are in-depth lessons that put the students of the third year of the course of Photography in front of those who are experts in this field, both… Find out more
The documentary dedicated to Alice Pasquini
A documentary to tell the inspirations and moods of one of the most appreciated street artists on the national and international scene: Alice Pasquini. The students of RUFA School of Cinema Martina Bonfiglio, Nicola Giampà, Francesco Castellaneta, Nicola Cera and Gianlorenzo Grassi, coordinated by the lecturer Christian Angeli, will make it. “Alice Pasquini- Figlia del… Find out more
A talk with Caterina Niccolai
Copyright in the audiovisual field is the theme of the talk to be held on Wednesday 11 December, from 10 am, in the Aula Magna, via Taro 14. The meeting, proposed and curated by the lecturer Elisabetta Villaggio, is addressed to all RUFA students and is particularly recommended for those who are called to deal… Find out more
Rome will tears us apart – Photos and video
The Rome will tears us apart event was a success of participation, from the students to the lecturers, up to the Chinese international audience as guest of the Academy. Inspired by Charles Baudelaire and Walter Benjamin, a well-trained patrol of students, armed with digital cameras, led by three lecturers, Alessandro Carpentieri, Stefano Compagnucci and Raffaele… Find out more
The lectio magistralis of Giovani Creativi
Today begins Giovani Creativi. The project, curated by the directors of TWM Factory Nicola Brucoli and Carlo Settimio Battisti and carried out in collaboration with MiBACT – Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and for Tourism and the National Roman Museum, aims to enhance the skills and competences of young artists, professionals and entrepreneurs of… Find out more
(Ri)generazione Scomodo – Photos and video
On 5 and 6 November, Scomodo organised the (Re)Generation Scomodo event at the Macro Asilo, to make its proposal known and seek help to implement it. RUFA collaborated with the guys with the participation of Davide Dormino, professor of Sculpture, and Enrico Parisio, professor of Graphic design, at the talks scheduled over the two days…. Find out more
Nell’ambito di Videocittà il progetto “Rome will tear us apart – Flâneur 2.0”
RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts, with the project “Rome will tear us apart – Flâneur 2.0” exhibited from 25 to 27 November at RUFA Space via degli Ausoni 7, has joined the second edition of the “Festival delle Visioni di Videocittà“. Created by Francesco Rutelli, president of “Anica – Associazione nazionale industrie cinematografiche… Find out more
RUFA awards “The newspaper” at The 48 Hour Film Project
An energy that, as usual, enveloped Rome, transferring the magic and atmosphere of cinema to the many young people who took part in the event. The thirteenth edition of the 48 Hour Film Project has come to an end. In the setting of Ex Caserma Guido Reni, between 18 and 20 October, the aspiring filmmakers… Find out more
UNarchive. Sounds and visions
The residence for young artists UNarchive is born. Sounds and visions, dedicated to the reuse of archive cinema and musical experimentation. There is time until December 13 to send in applications. The project “UNarchive. Sounds and Visions”, an artistic residence aimed at training young artists with the aim of creating short audiovisual works focused on… Find out more
RUFA e Scomodo insieme per la rigenerazione – Evento e Call for artist
RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts has started a new collaboration with Scomodo, a reality founded in 2016 by a group of guys with the aim of developing a concrete reaction to that system of great failures that has characterized the reality of the city of Rome. Among the various initiatives that Scomodo is… Find out more
Arte Laguna, the registrations start
Registration is open for the fourteenth edition of the “Arte Laguna” award, the most influential competition in the world for emerging artists and designers, which exhibits and promotes creative talent. With fourteen years of history, the contest in question offers the opportunity not only to exhibit in an exceptional location such as the Venice Arsenal,… Find out more
A contest to support women’s fight against gender-based violence
After last year’s success, Modern Films continues its mission to fight gender-based violence. Thanks to the support of the Kering Foundation, the second edition of the “16 days 16 films” competition was launched, which will see the participation not only of Italy, but also of France and the United Kingdom. The name of the contest… Find out more
RUFA is a partner of TEDxRoma, collaboration with training objective
A partnership focused on collaboration. RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts is ready to support the activities of TEDxRoma in order to allow students, in this case those attending the Bachelor course of Cinema and Photography, to get in touch with one of the most innovative global realities of recent years. TED is a… Find out more
Alatri, contest dedicated to the short film
The high school Pietrobono of Alatri has announced the first edition of IF – Identity Film Festival Alatri reserved for short films of fiction, animation, video clips, documentaries, docufilms, lasting a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 minutes. The theme of the festival is identity in a changing world. To recognize oneself in… Find out more