Many students have applied again this year to participate in the International Week film contest on the theme “Gender Equality”, and here is the highly anticipated response. The projects selected for this year’s edition by professors Amoruso and Zabala and then approved by Sylvie Page, professor at the University of Mainz, are: 1. “Abuse” by… Find out more
RUFA è partner di AS Film Festival
On December 16th and 17th 2017, the 5th edition of As Film Festival (AsFF) will be held in Rome, at the MAXXI auditorium, National Museum of XXI Arts, organized by the Not Equal association and with the artistic direction of Giuseppe Cacace. AsFF is the first international film festival realized with the active participation of… Find out more
Prof. Sylvie Page presents the students the film contest of the International Week 2018
This year, as part of the International Week 2018, there is a film contest open to all European students. For this edition, the theme chosen is “Women’s Rights or Gender Equality”, which will include students from seven different universities, who will produce a short film of up to 3 minutes on the topic of women’s… Find out more
48Hour Film Project. The winner is the science fiction comedy That’s la vie by ZERO.
Yesterday was the 48 Hour Film Project Ceremony Day. This year That’s la vie by ZERO is the winner of the most prized prize and will compete against short films from all over the world at the Filmapalooza 2018 where, besides the grand prize, he will be able to win the chance to compete in… Find out more
Short films by RUFA students in projection in Prague
On 21 and 22 November, the In Breve: young Italian directors will take place at the Royal Theater in Prague, which will bring in the bohemian capital short films made by young Italian directors including RUFA students. The review will show to the Czech and Italian public some of the young Italian talents, as has… Find out more
Franco Simongini. How a work of art is born. A review at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.
An important occasion for the students of the academies to know the work of the director and journalist Franco Simongini. The Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, in collaboration with Rai Teche, presents “Come nasce un’opera d’arte”, a video review dedicated to the most interesting art documentaries made between 1969 and 1991 for RAI by… Find out more
Adavede by Alain Parroni triumphed at the 17th edition of the UFCTC in Nice
Adavede, by Alain Parroni, Cinema graduate at RUFA, won the Grand Prix as Best European Short Film at the 17th European Competition Event at UFCTC 2017 in Nice. After participating at Venice Film Festival, Adavede’s success, a short film created by a team of RUFA students and former RUFA students, carried on throughout Europe. Adavede… Find out more
RUFA student shorts scheduled in Alice in the city
The partnership relationship between RUFA and Alice continues in the city, autonomous and parallel section of the Rome Film Festival, dedicated to the younger generations. Among the short films scheduled are those of four talented students of Rufa Cinema: Matteo Delai, Alain Parroni, Giulia Regini and Simone Saraceno. The productions made in RUFA are presented… Find out more
La Galleria Nazionale rises the video contest Time Action. The challenge? A 90sec storytelling about the museum.
Galleria Nazionale opens a call for videomakers, creatives and artists. Time action contest’s aim is to pick out a video/ad about Galleria Nazionale and Time is out of joint exhibition. Videos can be made with any technology or material without any technical constraints, must be unpublished, and they must last 90 seconds. Three prizes are… Find out more
Adriano Ricci awarded at Parma International Music Film Festival
The Parma International Music Film Festival is the festival of soundtracks and music in cinematography. Now in its fifth edition, it confirms itself as an important appointment for the presentation and promotion of feature films, short films and documentaries of all nationalities. Also this year the works in competition have dealt with current and important… Find out more
Genti di Calabria, the photographic catalog of Pino Bertelli
Overturning points of view, commonplaces and the collective imagination. With a single purpose: to build a fertile ground for the new generations. With this mission the work that led to the realization of an extraordinary editorial work, the catalog “Genti di Calabria. Atlante fotografico di geografia umana”, by Pino Bertelli. A photographic journey to tell… Find out more
The 48 Hours film project starts again. RUFA still in the team!
Registrations are open for the XI edition of the competition “The 48 Hour Film Project”, organized by Le Bestevem. The international competition involving 140 cities in 5 continents and Rome as the only Italian stage. A challenge to the last take to see who will succeed in making the best short film…in just 48 hours!… Find out more
Susanna Nicchiarelli vince il premio Orizzonti al Festival del Cinema di Venezia
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. La scuola di Cinema RUFA si conferma un’eccellenza. Non solo per i risultati accademici, ma anche per i riconoscimenti collezionati dai nostri docenti. Tra questi non possiamo fare a meno di menzionare quello da poco ottenuto dalla nostra docente di cinema, nonché regista, Susanna Nicchiarelli. Il suo… Find out more
Sebastiano Riso, ex studente RUFA, in concorso al Festival del Cinema di Venezia con “Una Famiglia”
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Il Festival del Cinema di Venezia si avvicina e tutta la nostra community è particolarmente in fermento. Proprio così, perché tra i film italiani in concorso c’è anche quello di un giovane e talentuoso regista, che ha studiato in RUFA, laureandosi nel 2009 in Arti Visive e Discipline… Find out more
Torna Live Cinema Festival. Dal 21 settembre al Macro
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Dal 21 al 24 settembre torna al Museo Macro la rassegna Live Cinema Festival, la manifestazione internazionale focalizzata sulle più innovative performance di spettacoli live audio-video. Il Festival presenta una serie di attività dal grande appeal contemporary, come live cinema performance, screening, workshop e DJ set, tutto… Find out more
Lauree RUFA, le foto
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Come ogni anno, l’estate indica per molti studenti la fine di un ciclo accademico denso di impegno e soddisfazioni. Si è da poco conclusa, infatti, la sessione di lauree RUFA, che per l’Accademia rappresenta un momento di grande intensità emotiva. Vediamo crescere questi ragazzi, sotto ogni punto… Find out more
Il film di Fabio Mollo diventa “bandiera” dei diritti civili
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Pochi giorni fa, come in molti avete letto, a Capo Vaticano, in Calabria, è avvenuto un episodio rimbalzato al centro delle cronache. Il proprietario di un B&B si è rifiutato di accettare la prenotazione di una coppia gay. La sua frase “non accettiamo né gay, né animali”… Find out more
“Adavede”, l’ultimo corto di Alain Parroni, sbarca a Venezia
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Un nuovo successo per l’ex studente RUFA Alain Parroni, giovane e talentuoso regista, già autore di cortometraggi di successo. Il suo ultimo lavoro, dal titolo “Adavede”, è stato selezionato per la settimana della critica di Venezia. Un nuovo ponte verso il successo viene percorso così da questo… Find out more
La studentessa Giulia Dedola coinvolta nel progetto MAXXI di Claudia Tosi
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. La studentessa Giulia Dedola collabora come fonico al progetto dell’artista Claudia Losi, dal titolo “Workshop Una volta, all’improvviso… “, a cura dell’ Ufficio Public Engagement del MAXXI, Roma. Si tratta di un racconto audio, costruito insieme a Daniele Signaroldi, nato durante il laboratorio presso la sartoria interna alla Casa Circondariale di Rebibbia… Find out more
Sceneggiatura, menzione speciale del Premio Mattador a Ilaria Pedoni e Adriano Ricci
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Lunedì 17 luglio è stata una giornata memorabile per la community RUFA. Due dei nostri ex studenti hanno ricevuto un riconoscimento di grande rilevanza in ambito cinematografico. Si tratta di Ilaria Pedoni e Adriano Ricci, insigniti della menzione speciale della giuria al Premio internazionale della sceneggiatura Mattador, la… Find out more