Art, screenings, concerts and much more. The district of Altona in Hamburg, Germany, is preparing to host the “STAMP Festival”, thus becoming an interdisciplinary cultural hub with music, theatre, dance, cinema and literature. There are more than 200 artists and about 180 associations and organizations that, year after year, make the event unique and always… Find out more
È online il Bando Erasmus+ staff
The Erasmus+ AY 2019/2020 call for mobility of professors and administrative staff has been published. The mobility will be towards university institutions belonging to the countries of the Erasmus+ Programme: 28 Member States of the European Union and the countries participating in the Programme that are not part of the European Union (North Macedonia, Iceland,… Find out more
Here is the Erasmus+ call for an internship or work placement abroad
Up to 24 January 2020 you can submit your application. Enrolments to Erasmus+ are reopened, the international program that allows students or recent graduates to access an internship or placement, autonomous and financed, to be carried out in foreign companies or enterprises, during which to carry out an individual work project approved by the Academy… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
MATTADOR, the call for screenwriters and more
The call for the eleventh edition of the international award for the screenplay “MATTADOR” is now open. It is dedicated to Matteo Caenazzo, a young man from Trieste who graduated in painting decoration and died prematurely in 2009. The award is aimed at Italian and foreign authors aged 16 to 30 years, with the aim… Find out more
RUFA, the call for the best script for a short film opens
Everything is ready for the second edition of the contest “La realtà che non esiste”. One More Pictures and Rai Cinema are also calling on RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts students to create the best script for a VR short film and to develop a cross-media project that will be produced within the… Find out more
A 1000 euro contest for the “mare TC FVG” logos
The “Maritime Technology Cluster FVG” (mareTC FVG) has launched a call for applications aimed at students enrolled in artistic education or design, for the design and implementation of logos for research and innovation projects in the maritime sector. “mareTC FVG” was founded as an association in 2008 and after recognition by the Miur in 2012… Find out more
Zagathon: open call for the free workshop dedicated to innovation in the territory
The Lazio Region, with the support of Lazio Innova and Spazio Attivo LOIC (Lazio Open Innovation Centre) Zagarolo has promoted a training project in the field of design divided into three different workshops called “Zagathon”, which deal respectively with the themes “food”, “wellness” and “cultural heritage”. These are intensive training courses that take place in… Find out more
UNarchive. Sounds and visions
The residence for young artists UNarchive is born. Sounds and visions, dedicated to the reuse of archive cinema and musical experimentation. There is time until December 13 to send in applications. The project “UNarchive. Sounds and Visions”, an artistic residence aimed at training young artists with the aim of creating short audiovisual works focused on… Find out more
For the television series Leonardo, directed by Daniel Percival, produced by Lux Vide Spa, we are looking for CHARACTERS of adult men and women of all ages (even over 80) and minors. Given the specific nature of the project we are looking for male ARTISTS, especially PAINTS, SCULPTORS, PORTRAITERS and DESIGNERS, able to reproduce the… Find out more
Photographic contest dedicated to sustainability
The appointment with the Quotidiano Energia photo contest is renewed. After the first edition dedicated to change in the energy sector and the second to efficiency, sustainable mobility is the central theme of the 2019 competition, promoted by Gruppo Italia Energia, publisher of QE. “In un scatto la mobilità sostenibile” is the title of the… Find out more
RUFA e Scomodo insieme per la rigenerazione – Evento e Call for artist
RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts has started a new collaboration with Scomodo, a reality founded in 2016 by a group of guys with the aim of developing a concrete reaction to that system of great failures that has characterized the reality of the city of Rome. Among the various initiatives that Scomodo is… Find out more
Artist’s residences in Milan
The call to participate in the artist’s residences of the project “ARDA – A Ritmo D’Acque” is open. The selection is addressed to 8 digital artists (designers, 2D animators, videomakers and 3D artists) who will participate in a training and creative path for the production of two multimedia works each. The works will enrich open-air… Find out more
Arte Laguna, the registrations start
Registration is open for the fourteenth edition of the “Arte Laguna” award, the most influential competition in the world for emerging artists and designers, which exhibits and promotes creative talent. With fourteen years of history, the contest in question offers the opportunity not only to exhibit in an exceptional location such as the Venice Arsenal,… Find out more
Call for the realization of works aimed at protecting the environment opened
On 15 October the call for proposals opened by Istituto Oikos, HelpCode Italia, Acquario di Genova, Comune di Milano and MUSE – Museo delle Scienze di Trento to select young artists who will be commissioned to create three public art installations. The works will be exhibited to the public during 2020 at the Acquario di… Find out more
A contest to support women’s fight against gender-based violence
After last year’s success, Modern Films continues its mission to fight gender-based violence. Thanks to the support of the Kering Foundation, the second edition of the “16 days 16 films” competition was launched, which will see the participation not only of Italy, but also of France and the United Kingdom. The name of the contest… Find out more
Alatri, contest dedicated to the short film
The high school Pietrobono of Alatri has announced the first edition of IF – Identity Film Festival Alatri reserved for short films of fiction, animation, video clips, documentaries, docufilms, lasting a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 minutes. The theme of the festival is identity in a changing world. To recognize oneself in… Find out more
Cesare Zavattini’s new “Unarchive” award announcement is online
It was presented at the 76th Venice International Film Festival and is now on the website the new announcement of the Premio Cesare Zavattini: there is time until October 11 to register. The competition is aimed at young filmmakers, both professional and amateur, of any nationality, aged between 18 and 35 years, who are interested… Find out more
Zagathon, three free workshops to promote innovation on the territory
The Regione Lazio, with the support of Lazio Innova and Spazio Attivo LOIC (Lazio Open Innovation Centre) Zagarolo, created with the aim of promoting and enhancing the entrepreneurial fabric through the introduction of elements of social innovation and design thinking, promotes three design workshops called Zagathon, which deal respectively with the themes Food, Wellness and… Find out more
In Naples the third Q-Rated workshop
The selections for the workshop “Q-Rated Napoli 2019” are open. Through this project the Quadrennial wants to become a place of active and constant research to contribute to the formation of a constructive debate on contemporary art and, above all, to better structure the next edition of the exhibition. Q-Rated, specifically, is divided into three… Find out more
Contest “Cadeau Lazio Diplomatico” for proposals to conceive a gift to be offered on the occasion of institutional visits
The Lazio Region, in the context of its internationalisation activities, is increasingly carrying out activities of external value. Within the framework of these initiatives, it is necessary to provide for gifts – significant for the cultural and territorial specificities of the region – that can be used on the occasion of institutional meetings. To this… Find out more