The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, the Italian Cultural Institute in Beijing, the Garuzzo Institute for Visual Arts and the National Art Museum of China have announced the call “Italy-China” edition 2019. The aim is to encourage the development of the personal knowledge and experience of the young winners… Find out more
Fondazione Memmo, call for residency in London
The deadline for applying to the call promoted by Fondazione Memmo and Gasworks is Tuesday, April 16th. The call, dedicated to Italian artists based in Italy, will offer a fully funded residency at Gasworks, in London, from 6 January – 23 March 2020. By clicking on the link below you can find all the information… Find out more
Registration for the second edition of the Menghetti International Art Prize is now open.
“Man and his art as harmony of life”: this is the theme of the 2019 edition of Miap, in the sections of painting, sculpture and photography. The aim of the award is to decline communicative ability, expressive quality and originality. For the winning work of each section will be awarded a cash prize of 5… Find out more
Launched the call for the International Careers Fair
The tenth edition of the “International Careers Fair” will begin on Monday, March 11 and will end the following day. Students and recent graduates will have the opportunity to meet the organizations that offer training, internships and work, especially rewarding the ambitions of those who want to access the professional opportunities offered. To host the… Find out more
Announcement Erasmus+ study A.A.
The Erasmus announcement is back. From today you can apply for an exciting experience of study and research thesis abroad for the academic year 2019/20, in one of the universities included in the program. There are all the most interesting European cities in terms of research in the field of Fine Arts, Design and Media… Find out more
The Erasmus+ staff call is online
To all RUFA staff: the Erasmus+ call for proposals A.A.2018/2019 for the mobility of teachers and administrative staff has been published. Below is the list of the headquarters of Rufa Partner Institutions: For the application for mobility for Teaching or Training, you must submit: – the completed and signed application form (Annex A); –… Find out more
Announcement for the applications on scholarships year 2018-19
The announcement for collaboration scholarships are also open for the new academic year.THE ANNOUNCEMENT is addressed to all students enrolled in first and second level courses, for the awarding of collaboration grants to activities related to various offices and services offered by the academy. N°2 Collaboration Grants – Library N°2 Collaboration grants – Photographic documentation… Find out more
2018 Future of Europe – International poster exhibition
Another exciting opportunity for RUFA students to test themselves in an international context. The Czech Council for Foreign Relations in cooperation with the Institute of International Relations in Prague and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung launched an international art competition on the theme “2018 – The Future of Europe”. The students of the academy are asked… Find out more
Competition “Art & Sport” by AONI – A valuable opportunity for RUFA students
The “Art & Sport” Competition Notice is dedicated this year, on the occasion of the Winter Olympic Games in PeyeongChang, to the following theme: “Truce and Olympic Peacemaking”. The competition, promoted by the Accademia Olimpica Nazionale Italiana, (AONI) with the contribution of the Fondazione Terzo Pilastro Italia e Mediterraneo, the Fondazione Giulio Onesti and the… Find out more
Announcement for students in the three years of Visual Arts
Also this year the RUFA Visual Arts Department is organizing a collective exhibition of the best works of the three-year period in Painting and Sculpture of the academic year 2017/2018, in the exhibition space of RUFA Space. Students who want to put themselves to the test can consult the announcement here and fill in the… Find out more
Erasmus Announcement 2018/2019
The Erasmus announcement is back. From today you can apply for an exciting study abroad experience for the academic year 2018/19, in one of the universities included in the program. There are all the most interesting European cities in terms of research in the field of Fine Arts, Design and Media Arts. You are spoilt… Find out more
Reopening of Erasmus+ Call for Teachers and Administrative Staff
To all RUFA staff: the Erasmus+ a.a.2017 – 2018 call for proposals for the mobility of teachers and administrative staff has been published. Below is the list of the headquarters of Rufa Partner Institutions: For the application for mobility for teaching or administrative staff, you must submit: – the completed and signed application form… Find out more
A competition to remember the horror of anti-Semitism with an illustration
If illustration was used for the propaganda of fascist racial laws, which trampled on the rights of Italian Jews, today it is the same illustration that draws a warning to the new generations. Cartoons on The Bay, the international festival of cross-media animation and children’s TV, organized by RAI, launches a Contest for young students… Find out more
The Erasmus+ Call for Teachers and Administrative Personnel is online
To all RUFA staff: the Erasmus+ a.a.2017 -2018 call for proposals for the mobility of teachers and administrative staff has been published. Below is the list of the headquarters of Rufa Partner Institutions: To apply for mobility for teaching or administrative staff, you must submit your application: – the completed and signed application form… Find out more
The exciting RUFA Contest has returned. The new call is online
It’s time for RUFA Contest. This year we want to play with your curiosity, we will reveal the details a little at a time. Now you know that the theme you have to face is: Sound or Space or Time in white and black. Begin to tickle your creativity, we will soon also reveal the… Find out more
A contest to create the new GARDENStoGROW logo for Explora
Until September 30 there is time to participate in the Logo Design ContestGARDENStoGROW, the contest dedicated to artists, graphic designers, professionals or enthusiasts in the field to create the logo identification of all communication, paper and computer science, of the project GARDENStoGROW.. It is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union… Find out more
Torna Live Cinema Festival. Dal 21 settembre al Macro
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Dal 21 al 24 settembre torna al Museo Macro la rassegna Live Cinema Festival, la manifestazione internazionale focalizzata sulle più innovative performance di spettacoli live audio-video. Il Festival presenta una serie di attività dal grande appeal contemporary, come live cinema performance, screening, workshop e DJ set, tutto… Find out more
Lauree RUFA, le foto
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Come ogni anno, l’estate indica per molti studenti la fine di un ciclo accademico denso di impegno e soddisfazioni. Si è da poco conclusa, infatti, la sessione di lauree RUFA, che per l’Accademia rappresenta un momento di grande intensità emotiva. Vediamo crescere questi ragazzi, sotto ogni punto… Find out more
Orientamento, ecco il bando delle borse di studio 2017/18
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. L’Accademia RUFA ha indetto un concorso per l’anno accademico 2017/18, rivolto a tutti gli studenti iscritti ai corsi di primo e secondo livello, per l’attribuzione di 3 borse di collaborazione ad attività connesse a vari servizi, tra cui l’Orientamento e la Segreteria organizzativa. Ciascuna collaborazione comporterà un’attività… Find out more
Un workshop RUFA alla Biennale di Venezia, aperto a tutti i nostri studenti e docenti
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Quest’anno l’Accademia RUFA ha avviato una collaborazione con la Biennale di Venezia per aderire al progetto Biennale Sessions. Cosa significa? Vuol dire che si potrà organizzare una visita speciale, esclusivamente per la nostra community, alla mostra di arte contemporanea più importante del mondo. Passiamo al programma. L’Accademia… Find out more