The environment between art and recycling. This is the ultimate aim of the call that the organizers of the project “Plastics of love” have intended to address to those who work in the world of creativity, in order to generate a reflection on the invasive effects that synthetic materials generate on nature. “Plastica d’amare” is… Find out more
A project for women’s cinema
The cultural association “SPIN-OFF” presents the project “Cinema d’autrice. Tutta un’altra storia”: the first festival entirely dedicated to women who work in and for the cinema. The initiative, curated by Elena Tenga and Valentina Paravano, is realized in collaboration with the Istitut Francais Saint Louis. Specifically, these are three days that will take place from… Find out more
Open call for artists
For the PPPattern project we are looking for artists, with no limits of age or experience. At the base of the experience there is the will to monitor the Italian talent, trying to enhance it in many ways and to promote it nationally and internationally. In this context, the project “fifteen*fifties” was launched: the fifties,… Find out more
VerticalMovie, the deadline for the call for proposals is 10 September.
VerticalMovie Festival is a competition aimed at discovering new talents in screenwriting, directing and photography to be held at MACRO ASILO from 10 to 12 October.. Participants are asked to tell short audiovisual stories with exclusively vertical video footage: the typical format of the smartphone. The VerticalMovie Festival aims to define and legitimize what has… Find out more
Call launched to participate in “An Atlas of the rocky landscape”, between Matera and Montescaglioso
Call launched to participate in “An Atlas of the rocky landscape”, between Matera and Montescaglioso The project “Un atlante del paesaggio rupestre” is part of the program of artistic residencies promoted by “Matera Capitale Europea della Cultura 2019”, realized by Arci Basilicata and funded by the Fondazione Matera-Basilicata 2019. Through the international call open until… Find out more
Participation in the Premio Luzzati expires in september
The Premio Emanuele (Lele) Luzzati is organized by the Italian Jewish Center “G. e V. Pitigliani”, in collaboration with the Museo Luzzati at Porta Siberia in Genoa. It is aimed at those who have created an audiovisual work for young people, adhering to the theme “for an education in values, identifying models consistent and positive”…. Find out more
Make a short in 72 hours!
The cultural association “Le Bestevem”, which has been organizing for years the international competition “The 48 Hour Film Project Roma”, organizes the second edition of the contest for aspiring film makers under 30 “The 72nd Hour”, with the aim of making a short film in 72 hours. The competition, realized within the framework of the… Find out more
Announcement for the Scuola dell’arte e della medaglia
The notice of admission to the free courses of the Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato has been published. For the school year 2019/2020, there are 12 places for students of the three-year ordinary course and 12 places for the annual preparatory course of the Scuola dell’arte della medaglia, established at the Zecca. The ordinary… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
A contest for videomakers
Everything is ready for the second edition of “Walk the global walk”: the “competition” for video-making experts. This is an international project, supported by the European Commission, which involves, for Italy, the Region of Tuscany and Oxfam Intercultura. The primary objective is to promote awareness and interest in sustainable development issues related to “global goals”,… Find out more
RUFA patronizes the 2019/2010 edition of the “Premio Internazionale Arte Laguna”
RUFA and the association MoCA, promoter and organizer of the “Premio Internazionale Arte Laguna”, now in its fourteenth edition, are renewing their collaboration. Specifically, it is an international competition that embraces multiple expressions of the arts: painting, sculpture and installation, photographic art, video art, performance, virtual art, land art, urban art, design. An event that… Find out more
Un bando del Mibac aperto agli studenti delle Accademie di Belle Arti pubbliche e private
A Mibac call for applications open to students of public and private academies of fine arts The Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities has established the “AccadeMibac” award, promoted by the Directorate General for Contemporary Art and Architecture and Urban Suburbs. The initiative has been programmed with the sole purpose of supporting Italian artists under… Find out more
A contest to create the 2020 calendar
The vision of art 365 days a year. A goal that, for RUFA students, means generate and design a calendar that can best represent the concept of expressiveness and contemporaneity. On these bases, the Academy of Fine Arts and Tipografare have signed an agreement aimed at producing a calendar ready to turn into competition. Thanks… Find out more
A contest aimed at enhancing the European flag
Each flag, by definition, represents a state or a group of states, the most interesting aspect of the flag of Europe is that it represents “a community of people entering and leaving”. The stars, with their points facing upwards and equidistant from each other, represent the twelve signs of the zodiac and tell the main… Find out more
When art moves with charity
Expand the already existing virtuous circle between the art world and voluntary associations. This is the starting point for the experience that the non-profit organization “art4aid” carries forward with passion. The project consists in the creation of a media platform for exchange in which artists from various disciplines make available their works, which can be… Find out more
RUFA, a call for proposals to promote young artists
The second edition of the “Scalart” competition, promoted by the law firm “La Scala” and the “Toogood Society”, is now open with the support of “Campi 1898 – Tipografia in Monotype” and the “Cento Amici del Libro” association, aimed at promoting young artists. The initiative, addressed to young students or graduates of the Academies of… Find out more
In Suzzara (Mn) the contest “Arte in Arti e Mestieri”
The exhibition “Arte in Arti e Mestieri” (Art in Arts and Crafts) was born in 2001 and over time has been able to carve out a very important space between the festivals dedicated to the enhancement of contemporary expressionism. The contest, which last year saw the success of the student RUFA Camilla Gurgone, takes place… Find out more
A call for proposals to develop the idea of a circular economy
The second edition of the project “Stories of circular economy” is now underway. According to the definition of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the circular economy is designed to regenerate itself. In a circular economy, there are two types of material flows: biological ones, which can be reintegrated into the biosphere, and technical ones, which are… Find out more
Award dedicated to engraving techniques
The eleventh edition of the international “Biennale dell’incisione” award takes place in the city of Monsummano Terme, in the province of Pistoia. RUFA students can participate in at least one course of engraving techniques. In particular, the following techniques are allowed: chalcography (etching, aquatint, drypoint, burin, soft paint, black manner, etc..), xylography and lithography. The… Find out more
For RUFA students the possibility of an internship in Carrara
In order to celebrate the recognition of “Città creativa per l’artigianato”, awarded by UNESCO in 2017, the Italian Federation of Clubs and Centres for UNESCO, in collaboration with the Club for UNESCO of Carrara dei Marmi and the Municipality of Carrara, has organized the fifth edition of the “Premio Carrara città creativa – Forum internazionale… Find out more
RUFA students have until April 27 to participate in Air Land 2.0
Air Land 2.0 is the competition dedicated to RUFA students, realized by the association “Quasi Quadro”, in collaboration with GTT-Turin Transport Group and the Festival Fo.To – Fotografi a Torino and with the patronage of the City of Turin, Piedmont Region and Turin Chamber of Commerce. The competition – and this is the added value… Find out more