International Ceramic Design Competition Applications are now open for the thirteenth edition of the Rometti Prize, an initiative dedicated to discovering and celebrating excellence in the world of ceramic art and design through the vision of a new generation of creatives. Participation in the 2024 Rometti Prize is reserved for students of Art Academies… Find out more
Premio Castelfiorentino per la Fotografia Contemporanea
“Beyond and Elsewhere: contemporary photography in search of possible futures for a conscious innovation of vision”. An event designed to enhance and promote emerging talent in contemporary photography. Award Features: Free entry for all participants. Awards: 3000 € for the Open category. 500 € for the Student category. Exhibition of selected works at the… Find out more
Marte Film Festival
RUFA partner Marte Studios announces the Marte Film Festival, a unique event dedicated to cinema and creativity. The Marte Film Festival will take place along the banks of the Tiber, at the picturesque “Industrie Fluviali” in Rome, during the month of March. The festival will also stop in Palermo and Milan, offering a day… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
Flaminio Film Festival Short Film Competition
The cultural association ‘Tra Terra Cielo e Mare’ of Renato Verdecchi, with the technical collaboration of the cultural association ‘’, present the 11th edition of the FLAMINIO FILM FESTIVAL 2024 International Competition. The Flaminio Film Festival is dedicated to the art of short films. Each year, the Festival is centered around a theme that… Find out more
Disegnando il Futuro – The Contest
Art contest for illustration enthusiasts and professionals: image the sustainable energy of the future! Snam is looking for someone who can creatively interpret and represent the challenge of the energy transition. Often, as Antoine de Saint-Exupéry taught us in ‘The Little Prince’, the essential is invisible to the eyes. The networks on which Snam… Find out more
PhDs in the AFAM sector
RUFA educational offer – in line with the reform process of the AFAM system enacted by the Ministry of Universities and Research – is expanding exponentially. In addition to the academic courses at the first and second level, equivalent to bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and the one-year academic masters for specialization in specific fields of… Find out more
Video Killed the Radio Star: Concorso aperto
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Cineteca Milano lancia “Video Killed the Radio Star”, concorso di cortometraggi di produzione nazionale che abbiano come soggetto il tema del rapporto tra cinema e musica. Musica e grande schermo sono da sempre strettamente legate, fin dai tempi del cinema muto quando le proiezioni erano accompagnate… Find out more
50h in Barca – competition for film crews
The second edition of 50h on a Boat is here! Given the success of the 2023 edition, the Contest by Sayonara Film 50H IN BARCA returns for a second edition. During the weekend of 25 and 26 May registered crews will participate in the full production of a short film of a maximum duration… Find out more
Toxic Love – Scholarship Contest
A call for reflection. RUFA has promoted a contest open to all students attending the last year of Italian higher education institutions with the aim of promoting the adoption of healthy behaviour in emotional relationships. The objective of the contest “TOXIC LOVE – Esprimi l’invisibile” is to promote awareness and prevention of toxic behaviour… Find out more
15° Premio Mattador – Apertura iscrizioni
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Il 15° Premio Internazionale per la Sceneggiatura MATTADOR dedicato a Matteo Caenazzo ha aperto ufficialmente le iscrizioni per l’edizione 2023/2024 Rivolto a giovani autori dai 16 ai 30 anni, i partecipanti potranno inviare i propri elaborati attraverso il sito ufficiale a partire dal 15 febbraio fino… Find out more
Entries are now open for the Myllennium Award: a multidisciplinary prize for young people aged 18 to 30. The MyCITY section in particular is dedicated to social innovation and urban regeneration through art.. The MyCity award, in collaboration with La Fondazione Renato Armellini, intends to encourage the activity of young artists under 30 from any… Find out more
Sensuability® & Comics
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Nuovo bando per gli studenti RUFA di GD-Comics and Illustration: “Sessualità, disabilità, fiabe e favole”. Giunto alla Sesta Edizione, Sensuability & Comics ha la finalità di sensibilizzare e informare sul tema della sessualità e disabilità. Il Progetto Sensuability, ideato e voluto da Armanda Salvucci, presidente dell’associazione… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
RUFA is pleased to announce the 2024 edition RUFA ON SCREEN, a biennial film festival aimed at enhancing and supporting the talent of the Academy students enrolled in the Cinema, Film Arts and Computer Animation and Visual Effects courses. 11-12-13 March 2024 – Cinema Troisi, via Girolamo Induno 1. RUFA ON SCREEN will be… Find out more
Premio Castelfiorentino per le arti
“The world has changed and photographers are exploring new realities. Photography at the dawn of artificial intelligence welcomes new challenges confronting its history.” Theme: Free Categories: Open and Student Participation fee: Free Prizes: 3000 € Open – 500 € Student – Exhibition – Only for Open category: Publication in Gente di Fotografia and Acquisition… Find out more
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Dopo il successo della prima edizione a Trastevere, ROMADIFFUSA FESTIVAL si sposta nel Centro Storico! Dal 28 settembre al 1 ottobre, l’Ansa Barocca ospiterà performance itineranti per i vicoli, secret concert, stand up comedy nei bar, laboratori di ceramica, pittura, incisione, open studios di artisti e artigiani,… Find out more
Premio Internazionale GAeM – Giovani Artisti e Mosaico
As part of the 8th Biennial of Contemporary Mosaic (Ravenna, October 14, 2023 – January 14, 2024), the MAR – Museo d’Arte della Città di Ravenna announces the 6th edition of the GAeM – Giovani Artisti e Mosaico, aimed at artists aged 35 and under who want to confront mosaic as a technique, language, aesthetic… Find out more
Cesare Zavattini Award 2023/24
The call to participate in the Premio Cesare Zavattini 2023/24 is online, promoted by the Fondazione Archivio audiovisivo del movimento operaio e democratico (Aamod), with the collaboration of Cinecittà-Istituto Luce and Home Movies – Archivio nazionale del cinema di famiglia. The initiative allows young filmmakers, aged between 18 and 35, to submit a project for… Find out more
La ScalArt – Youth Artist Contest
Torna LaScalArt – Youth Artist Contest, il progetto che ha l’obiettivo di promuovere e valorizzare giovani artisti, interamente promosso da La Scala Società tra Avvocati e la sua Toogood Society, insieme a La Scala Formazione impresa sociale. Giunto alla sua terza edizione, il premio LaScalArt è rivolto a tutti i giovani, nati dopo il 1993,… Find out more
Sorry, this entry is only available in IT. Gli studenti RUFA sono incoraggiati a partecipare al Bando di concorso ideato da Black Light Film S.r.l., patrocinato dalla Regione Lazio tramite il Distretto Tecnologico della Cultura della Regione Lazio (DTC Lazio – Centro Eccellenza). Si tratta di #TiGiroilLazio, un nuovo concorso di videoarte e storytelling digitale… Find out more
Young Photographers from Italian Academies # 3
Relationships, the obvious not taken care of. CALL The Academy of Fine Arts of Catania and Ragusa Foto Festival launch the third edition of the Call addressed to Fine Arts Academies, ISIA, Italian Universities and public and private tertiary institutions, to promote the most innovative research of young authors trained within their courses that… Find out more