Aimed at all students, but particularly recommended for those attending Cinema studies (Bachelor and Master of Arts), the meeting with Paolo Del Brocco, CEO of Rai Cinema, represents a very important moment of training in the context of the talk programme launched by RUFA in 2021. The theme Cinema and the market, which is decidedly… Find out more
The “protagonists” of the new RUFA campaign have been chosen
On Monday, 18th January, RUFA students participated in the casting to become the new faces of the 2020/2021 Campaign. Five students have been chosen and they will be involved in the shooting that will take place on Saturday, the 23rd of January: Francesco Incantalupo and Barbara Notaro – Graphic design, Clara Cabassi – Cinema, Adriana… Find out more
RUFA Contest, 25 finalists selected
Do not stop, giving back to the research in the artistic field the highest possible value. The 2020 edition of RUFA Contest, aimed as always at declining the kaleidoscopic forms of intellect, continues its engraving. While waiting to understand the modalities of interaction with the public, which will be defined on the basis of the… Find out more
Fabio Mongelli President of Cians at the Permanent Table of the Ministry of University and Research
Director RUFA, arch. Fabio Mongelli, in his dual role as president of Cians (Coordination of Afam non-state institutions), has been invited to participate in the Permanent Table of the Ministry of University and Research convened by Minister Gianfranco Manfredi to promote the connection with institutions in the field of higher artistic and musical education, as… Find out more
The Director of RUFA, architect Fabio Mongelli, is the Italian ambassador of design 2020
“Draw the future. Development, innovation, sustainability, beauty”: this is the theme of the 2020 edition of the Italian Design Day (IDD), the thematic review launched in 2017 by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Farnesina in collaboration and with the support of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism. Compared to… Find out more
RUFA is partner of Sunset Drive-In
At the movies? In the car! So to experience, as if it were a time machine, the sensations of films like “Grease”, mirror of an entire generation. RUFA is partner of Sunset Drive-In, the “en-plein-air” space located inside the Cinecittà Studios that, from now on, will allow you to experience the emotions of the seventh… Find out more
RUFA is a Full Member of Cumulus
A welcome message that ideally connected the world. RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts, after the videoall that certified its entrance, is officially a member of Cumulus, the international association that welcomes universities, academies and colleges specialized in arts, design and media teaching. Cumulus was founded in 1990, but has been operating as an… Find out more
You’ll find them in your email. #11 Notice students, teachers and staff – Teaching phase 3 of 02/07/2020 #10 – Teachers notice: remote exams of 18/06/2020. Download from email: exams calendar and suggested protocol. #09 – Notice to Cinema and Film Arts teachers and students – Cinema service and equipment management of 19/05/20. #08… Find out more
RUFA – Experience nel segno di Instagram
Talk and live performance Instagram to broadcast the RUFA – Experience to those who feed on art. This is the scenario that has led the Academy of Fine Arts legally recognized by the Mur, to plan a series of activities that, starting from social activities, can contribute to nourish the sense of belonging and identity… Find out more
Si apre la registrazione per il “Grande Venerdì di Enzo”
The registration for the “Grande Venerdì di Enzo”, the creative portfolio review organized by the Art Directors Club Italiano, now in its 9th edition, will open on Thursday, June 4th. This year it will be held online with the presence of 75 creative directors from all over Italy. The goal, for the many artists who… Find out more
Raid Federica Baggio’s project that goes beyond the artist
A RUFA graduate, Federica Baggio, a project called Raid, the cultural hub of Dolomiti Contemporanee, the ex Eni village of Borca di Cadore and the usual desire to travel the new paths of art. Raid is a “site specific” project that aims to implement a process of “reconstitution”. An evolutionary path is thus shaped through… Find out more
Digital Open Day – The events
Saturday 9th May RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts presented itself virtually to high school students, undergraduates, graduates who intend to continue their education, parents and teachers. In addition to giving them the opportunity to learn more about the topics of the degree and master’s degree courses, to meet the teachers, tutors, RUFA students… Find out more
Creativity beyond boundaries
Meetings and talks with the most influential characters of the art system to relaunch a unique and clear message: creativity does not stop. In its becoming is an unstoppable process that spans time and history, as well as generations. It has no point of reference, no beginning and no end: it is only possible to… Find out more
RUFA, the Cinema School to conquer the Vertigo Film Festival
Creativity doesn’t stop. RUFA, since the beginning of the pandemic that still affects the art world, has launched a clear message in the sign of continuity. It has done so in new ways and has further strengthened the sense of community that envelops the Academy. In this scenario the most substantial contribution has been generated… Find out more
RUFA Contest, first selection completed
Despite the health emergency, which has strongly conditioned the creative industry, RUFA-Rome University of Fine Arts chooses to walk the path of continuity, proceeding with the organization of the 2020 edition of the RUFA Contest. All this is taking place while waiting to know the reference regulatory scenario that will allow to plan, with dates… Find out more
*Frequently asked questions about the measures taken by the Government in the transition from emergency to cohabitation with Covid-19. INFO AND UPDATES CORONAVIRUS
Important awards at the European Design Award
RUFA is proud to announce two excellence awards for the Academy and its students at the European Design Award: – Silver Award in the “Annual Report” category; – Bronze Award in the “Student’s project” category. The editorial products through which the awards were won are the Annual Report 2018, focused on the theme of Memory in… Find out more
RUFA, activate the lessons for the Thesis Desk
Information meetings will take place on Thursday 23rd and 30th April and Thursday 7th May, from 3pm to 5pm, in remote mode with virtual classroom, in order to benefit from the Thesis Desk service in a new form. It is, specifically, a cycle of three lessons focused on the correct compilation of the written thesis,… Find out more
The why of risk, the why of art
“An essential element of art is risk. If you don’t take any risk, you can’t create something authentically beautiful that has never been seen before”. It is a statement that made the famous director Francis Ford Coppola and that, today as yesterday, provides the visionary boundary of being an artist, of imagining perspectives and paths… Find out more