Antonio Scuderi, founder and CEO of “Capitale Cultura” and “ARtGlass”, with offices in Verona, Lugano, Monza, Rome, Catania and Richmond VA, will be a guest at the Wearable Technology lesson held by Professor Ely Rozenberg as part of the Design course, scheduled for Monday, May 25 at 2 pm. Not only students interested in the… Find out more
Cristiana Pagnottelli
Call-for-artist: here is the announcement of Quasi Quadro
The Quasi Quadro association, in collaboration with the municipality of Barge in Piedmont and the Angi Torino association, has launched the third edition of the artistic exhibition competition “Air Land 3.0_Inside Land” scheduled at the Museum of Contemporary Arts ( ex railway station) in Barge (Cn). The competition is open to all artists, with no… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
“Quarantine mood”, Alessandro Marinelli’s point of view on isolation
An intense love story that the documentary filmmaker and RUFA teacher Alessandro Marinelli lives towards the Roman suburbs, in a sort of contemporary revisitation of the path taken by other illustrious predecessors. It is in these areas of the city, certainly less touristy, but no less dense with stories and characters, that everything finds its… Find out more
Update Rometti Prize 2020
The Academy informs that the submission of projects for the Rometti Prize has been postponed to 6 June 2020. In addition, with regard to the one-week internship to which the finalists will be entitled, please note that, if the situation allows it, the dates written on the call will be confirmed; otherwise, the stay in… Find out more
Creativity beyond boundaries
Meetings and talks with the most influential characters of the art system to relaunch a unique and clear message: creativity does not stop. In its becoming is an unstoppable process that spans time and history, as well as generations. It has no point of reference, no beginning and no end: it is only possible to… Find out more
Multimedia Arts and Design
RUFA and DIGITALIVE, together also for 2020
And now all we have to do is wait until May 18 to understand what the project that will catapult RUFA and in particular the Master of Arts course in Multimedia Arts and Design within the 2020 edition of the Romaeuropa Festival will be. In the last few days the direction of the important event… Find out more
RUFA Contest, first selection completed
Despite the health emergency, which has strongly conditioned the creative industry, RUFA-Rome University of Fine Arts chooses to walk the path of continuity, proceeding with the organization of the 2020 edition of the RUFA Contest. All this is taking place while waiting to know the reference regulatory scenario that will allow to plan, with dates… Find out more
*Frequently asked questions about the measures taken by the Government in the transition from emergency to cohabitation with Covid-19. INFO AND UPDATES CORONAVIRUS
Important awards at the European Design Award
RUFA is proud to announce two excellence awards for the Academy and its students at the European Design Award: – Silver Award in the “Annual Report” category; – Bronze Award in the “Student’s project” category. The editorial products through which the awards were won are the Annual Report 2018, focused on the theme of Memory in… Find out more
Festival “A casa con Oberon Media”, here is the call for shorts made in quarantine
Quarantine as a pretext to make a short film and thus participate in the project “A casa con Oberon Media”, the festival conceived and realized by the production and distribution company Oberon Media. The announcement offers videomakers, forced to stay at home, the opportunity to get involved in the making of a short film. The… Find out more
Multimedia Arts and Design
Filippo Gualazzi at the Biennale College in Venice
The first workshop session in virtual mode programmed by the Venice Biennale, called “Biennale College Musica”, has started in the last few days. From the “call-for-artist”, launched last February 5, four teams of composers and video artists have been selected to produce original short multimedia pieces to be presented at the 64th edition of the… Find out more
RUFA, activate the lessons for the Thesis Desk
Information meetings will take place on Thursday 23rd and 30th April and Thursday 7th May, from 3pm to 5pm, in remote mode with virtual classroom, in order to benefit from the Thesis Desk service in a new form. It is, specifically, a cycle of three lessons focused on the correct compilation of the written thesis,… Find out more
The why of risk, the why of art
“An essential element of art is risk. If you don’t take any risk, you can’t create something authentically beautiful that has never been seen before”. It is a statement that made the famous director Francis Ford Coppola and that, today as yesterday, provides the visionary boundary of being an artist, of imagining perspectives and paths… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
Sergio Ceccotti, his soul as an artist from canvas to the big screen
Creativity doesn’t stop. It is not said that art will save the world, but it certainly helps to make it better than it is. Never before have images been so useful in generating beauty and reflection. A happy destiny from which cinema, obviously, does not escape, thanks also to the capacity of involvement that it… Find out more
There are no miracle diets against viral infections. But surely following a proper dietary lifestyle helps to facilitate the healing process and in times of smart working and reduced mobility, to avoid putting on too much weight. The Italian Society of Human Nutrition, with the support of the Ministry of Health, has introduced guidelines for… Find out more
RUFA Open call. Digital guidance.
From Monday 11 May, the RUFA offices have been back in operation: from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. With the aim of giving all those interested the opportunity to get to know the Academy and to meet the needs of the students, an online orientation activity has been organized. All those… Find out more
Open letter from the Director
“Dear students, teachers and collaborators, we had the good fortune not to experience the horrors of the war and to experience an Italy that was born from the economic boom, resourcefulness and talent. We had the opportunity of appreciating the beauty of the world, the people who make each place different and suggestive, but also… Find out more