RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts, is a member of Cumulus, the leading global association serving education and research in the field of art and design. Cirro Cumulus is a group within the Association, created by and for students to share their vision and skills. The group launched a competition with the aim of… Find out more
Claudia Vitali
Ceprano: open call for the “Fragellae – La Piccola Scultura” award
Entries for the sixth edition of the Fragellae – The Small Sculpture Award, organised by the Municipality of Ceprano (Fr) in collaboration with a team comprising Luca Grossi, Sara Ciuffetta, Nazareno De Santis (artists), Pierluigi Bove (architect and designer), and curated by Ilaria Monti, are open until 15 July 2021. The competition, which is free… Find out more

Photography and Audiovisual
RUFA and AND, the traces of Dante in the hell of the Umberto I Polyclinic
In the name of Dante, the collaboration between RUFA and the National Academy of Dance continues, and seven hundred years after his death, the two institutions have generated a series of experiences to re-propose, in a contemporary key, the scenes from Inferno. The atmospheres are those of the Divine Comedy, but the settings can be… Find out more

The Ragusa Foto Festival kicks off
From 23 July to 29 August in Sicily, in Ragusa Ibla, one of Italy’s most beautiful Baroque villages and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the 20/21 edition of the Ragusa Foto Festival, an international event dedicated to the different languages of contemporary photography and the promotion of young talent from all over the world, will… Find out more

Fine Arts
Cartiere Fabriano, polychrome xylography is the protagonist
The Ancient Fabriano paper mills will host a polychrome woodcut workshop with 12 RUFA students, supervised by Maria Pina Bentivenga and Umberto Giovannini. The xylography is a graphic technique invented over a thousand years ago to reproduce texts and drawings in many copies. Since then, the graphic language has evolved, but the privileged relationship with… Find out more

Photography and Audiovisual
The publication Mongolia Felix by Michele Palazzi
It is entitled “Mongolia Felix”, the latest photographic and literary work by RUFA lecturer Michele Palazzi in the dual role of coordinator of the School of Photography and Audiovisual. Inserted in the series “Quaderni” for Origini edizioni, the volume expresses, on the basis of the concept of travel, the journey through the daily life of… Find out more

Photography and Audiovisual
RUFA collaborates with Maiani Fashion Academy
In application of the canons of its educational proposal, RUFA has initiated a series of collaborations with bodies and institutions that share the same educational visions of the Academy of Fine Arts legally recognised by the Ministry of University and Research. In this becoming RUFA intends to open up even more to the territory, becoming… Find out more

Arte cinematografica
The reality that “doesn’t” exist, the winner
The Reality that “does not” exist, third edition of the contest: the winner is the script “Tagliata per l’arte” by Thomas Turolo, director and screenwriter from Udine. “The themes dealt with are very topical and linked to the world of digital – reads the judgement of the jurors – the project is articulated and integrated… Find out more

Piazze romane, the presence of Alessandro Vitiello Home Gallery as a link between ideation and marketing
Approaching art not only from the point of view of ideas and creation, but also from the perspective of sales. The Project Piazze Romane, in which the Municipio I Roma Centro and the training talents of RUFA – Rome University of Fine Arts interact, is not only an opportunity to foster visions of contemporary art… Find out more

Fine Arts
Piazze romane, art to boost tourism
The press conference for the presentation of “Piazze Romane” project, scheduled for Friday 4 June from 11 a.m., via streaming from the RUFA Pastificio Cerere headquarters on Via degli Ausoni 7 in the heart of the San Lorenzo district, is a moment of fundamental importance not only for expressing the artistic content of the project,… Find out more

Talk – The legal protection of industrial design
THE TALK HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED TO 26 MAY Laura Schiuma, ordinary lecturer at the University of Perugia where she teaches Commercial Law and Industrial and Intellectual Property Law, is the protagonist of the talk “The legal protection of industrial design”, scheduled for Wednesday, May 26, on the initiative of the lecturer Meltem Eti Proto. Laura… Find out more

Fine Arts
Stefano Ricci arrives at RUFA
Coordinated by lecturer Umberto Giovannini, RUFA is preparing to host a masterclass that aims to combine research and artistic production. It will be Stefano Ricci who will “guide” the students through the ” Now us” project, starting from 17 to 28 May. At the beginning of each day of study and discussion, the participants will… Find out more

Fine Arts
RUFA, on 19 May the talk dedicated to “NemO’S”.
NemO’S, besides being a very famous street artist and an excellent illustrator, has focused his work on the story of the human, generating an intense and special relationship with the outside world, thanks to an innate capacity for narration. His approach to art, his research, his experimentation are the themes at the centre of the… Find out more
The call for Erasmus+ staff 20/21 is now online
The Call for applications for Erasmus+ A.Y. 2020/2021 for the mobility of lecturerss and administrative staff is now online. Mobility will be towards University Institutions belonging to the Erasmus+ Programme Countries: 28 Member States of the European Union and the Programme Countries that are not part of the European Union (North Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway,… Find out more
Arte cinematografica
Call for proposals “A story for Emergency” – Third edition
The “A Story for Emergency” call for short film scripts on the theme of rights, solidarity and hospitality has been launched in collaboration with Indigo Film, Rai Cinema and Rai per il sociale. The road to equality, peace and the protection of rights passes through the cinema. This is the context in which “Una storia… Find out more

Arte cinematografica
The making off of “Siamo tutte Frida” on Chili TV
The coordinator of the Bachelor of Arts course of the School of Cinema, Andrés Rafael Zabala, signed the direction of the theatrical show and the making off of ” Siamo tutte Frida” that, since a few weeks, is available on the Chili TV platform. The documentary focuses on the staging of the event, which took… Find out more

Hackathon on innovation
From May 14 to 16, on the theme of innovation Re-Mark organized a hackathon on business growth. A unique and free opportunity to allow all innovators to try their hand at the challenges of business growth through the presentation of a project or an idea, while encouraging collaboration and relationships between those who share interests… Find out more

Graphic design
New Aiap appointment with an international scope
The umpteenth initiative to ideally connect Italian and foreign experiences, to enter into the world of the creative industry and grasp the various aspects and the many facets. Launched a few weeks ago with growing success, the Aiap online events continue, curated by the association’s Lazio office and strongly supported by RUFA. Tuesday, May 4… Find out more

In May the talk “Copyright in comics, animation and the image market”.
Aimed at all RUFA members, but perfectly aligned with students attending courses in Graphic design – Comics and illustration, Cinema, Computer animation and visual effects, Photography and audiovisual, the talk “Copyright in comics, animation and the image market” aims to provide useful and relevant knowledge in the management of commissions and in the operation of… Find out more
A contest to create with paper
“Lucca Biennale Cartasia” is an event entirely dedicated to paper. The 2022 edition invites all students of art, design and cinema to create works and performances using paper, cardboard and its derivatives. The opening date of the Biennale is July 31, 2022, and the works will be exhibited until September 25. There are two main… Find out more